Sunday, November 20, 2011

What will MOTIVATE a person in an EQUALITY system?

What will MOTIVATE a person in an EQUALITY system?
While we have been conditioned to be motivated through Reward and Punishment in the current capitalist system, a new system of equality based on the value of life will assist and support the human being in discovering SELF-MOTIVATION.

This will be a process that will emerge from the point of letting go of fear of survival, letting go of competition and spitefulness, and instead focusing on LIFE, on self-exploration, self-expression and the discovery of our real interests, talents and abilities. This will bring forth the incentive of self-mastery, a process of growth towards ‘excellence’, because everybody will have in fact equal opportunities in life and for the first time in the history of mankind we will have the actual CHOICE to be and become our own ‘dreams and desires’.

There seems to be a ‘fear’ related to ‘laziness’ that people utilize to argue against an equal money system, saying that people are too lazy to ‘do the work’ without the incentive of money, reward and power. This however can only stem from the fear of not having the slaves doing the work for you – because obviously an equal money system will mean the end of all slavery and the removal of hierarchy, thus the removal of the ability to exploit and abuse life for one’s own self-enlightened interests!

Laziness is a by-product of capitalism – a by-product of our bipolar education-system where one is either rewarded or punished, and driven to compete against each-other because we have allowed a world system where only the ‘fittest survive’. A system so cruel, that it drives many young people to giving-up and withdrawing from the world – a reaction that often escalates into aggression or depression (the latter being a form of what we call ‘laziness’).

Let’s look at how ‘Laziness’ is linked to the current accepted system.
‘Laziness’ is in a way the opposite polarity of ‘motivation’ in this system. The people that do not necessarily ‘buy into’ the rewards and punishments that are meant to drive us and motivate us – end up being aggressive or depressive, both often associated with ‘laziness’.

But those that are 'lazy' are not born ‘lazy’. Rather, ‘laziness’ is a form of reaction, a rather passive one, in the context of a system that offers no ground, no room for unconditional Self-Expression whatsoever.
And if no personal solution is found to transcend one’s reactions and resistances towards the system, the ‘lazy person’ will become that ‘laziness’ with rather uncool consequences, as in most cases there is a form of ‘depression’ and/or ‘aggression’ underneath the ‘laziness’ that is seen on the surface.

In an system of equality and life support, ‘lazy people’ will, with time, start recognizing that those around them are actually having fun and that there are in-fact ways and opportunities to do what one enjoy.
When life and the basic needs of Everyone are unconditionally taken care of, when the system no longer manipulates with ‘reward & punishment’, people will start to let go of fear, let go of resistances, and start exploring life and discovering within themselves ‘who they are’ and what they really enjoy. I am certain that no-one is ‘too lazy’ to live self-expression, because that is simply You living and expressing You.

When the suppressed ‘blame’ and ‘judgment’ or ‘apathy’ and ‘depression’ that are linked to ‘laziness’ are no-more – as there will be no abuse system to react to – people will more and more realize that there’s nothing to ‘fight’ against, there’s no-one judging and no-one punishing them – and thus they will ‘get out of bed’ simply to Live and have Fun.
When Life is realized and supported and fear/anxiety is slowly but surely recognized as an unnecessary habit, inner changes take place that allow the individual to breathe and ground themselves, trust themselves and get to the joy of Self-Exploration and Self-Expression.

A point directly related to ‘motivation’ is the point of Responsibility:

‘Laziness’ often ‘develops’ when our ‘loving’ parents insist on doing everything FOR us. That may be ‘practical’ for a moment, but in the long run, this gives us the impression that we’re ‘unable’ to stand on our own two feet or even that we are ‘not worthy’ of ourselves, ‘not worthy’ of life.
This belief results to an accepted yet denied self-definition as ‘unworthy’, whereby ‘laziness’ is a way of ‘depression’, a way of ‘giving-up’, a way of saying “fuck you, I ‘m not gonna lick your ass” because  “I don’t wanna be a puppet on strings”.

Sooner or later every child faces the world, the system, and is then suddenly ‘asked’ to do things, ‘find a job’, ‘earn money’ and the whole story. Obviously most people experience resistances towards doing what is ‘normal’ in the System, because in the current accepted system that is based on profit instead of life, work implies in fact enslavement!
An example: Often you’ll find that the  Children of ‘rich’ or ‘loving’ parents will want to become ‘artists’, in an attempt to find and determine their own Expression, their own Worth, their own meaning of life.
In this current System however, artists too are forced to subscribe to greed and ‘licking asses’ for profit. They will accept the money-system as it is just to be able to survive. ‘Art’ has become a tool of  this System of consumerism – it ‘wants your soul’ and it will ‘pay for it’.
This ‘inevitability’ breaks the individual’s self-determination and messes with one’s self-worth as expression of life, as one suddenly finds oneself having one’s ‘worth’ determined by so-called ‘experts’ – and thus self-worth cannot be sustained in the current system without a price to pay.

This is unacceptable: it implies that Freedom of Expression and Uniqueness of Being is not equally recognized and honoured as Life.

Coming back to the point of Responsibility, what can be seen in common sense is that Responsibility in fact brings personal freedom. But in this current world system, due to the way the Systems works (family, school, jobs, money etc.), ‘responsibility’ has become something that is feared, denied, disregarded.
What is often not seen is that in this current system we are robbed of our self-responsibility – it is taken away from us BY the Systems and replaced with something that you ‘have to do’ because apparently you have no-choice, otherwise you just won’t make it in this world; And this threat, this manipulation is then called ‘responsibility’.

SELF-Responsibility is actually the point where one is in fact Moving Oneself to grow, to expand, to do what one Really wants to do, what one enjoys, what one is equal to and one with as an Expression of oneself. Within such self-movement, one is able to live Self-Acceptance, Self-Worth, Self-Enjoyment – unconditionally! – simply because ‘I am Here’, this is who I am, I express.
This self-movement entails SELF-MOTIVATION – as one does not require a carrot on a stick to drive, persuade or lure one into doing/being something that will apparently give one ‘worth’, ‘value’, or ‘earn’ the respect of one’s world.

An Equal Money System will support LIFE; it will support SELF-Worth, because it will support self-empowerment and self-responsibility, and within this: actual Freedom of Expression and Self-Determination are made possible within the context of interconnectedness as Life in Equality and Oneness. A new equality system based on the value of life will support Self-Motivation because it will equally recognize the Uniqueness of each Individual as a Living-Expression.

Self-Motivation is thus a point of Self-Responsibility.
The symptom of ‘laziness’ as we know it in the current world system is in-fact stemming from lack of responsibility.
Within this, the ‘judgment’ that is often addressed to ‘lazy people’/‘laziness’ is only making things worse, because it is not addressing the root of the problem – which is the accepted system and the fact that the systems of the world (as family, school, job-market etc.) take-away the Individual’s Self-Responsibility and replace it with the ‘Rules of the Game’, whereby if one doesn’t participate, one is ‘cut-out’ and will have to struggle to survive, without any support from the system.

Self-Responsibility on the other hand is a self-empowering expression that implies Self-Worth and Self-Trust. These are ‘Living-Values’ that are deliberately mutilated within the current system of abuse, exploitation and ‘survival of the fittest’, to take the power away from the people, away from self/the individual, and place it in the hands of this system of profit, greed, and the ‘survival of the fittest’ – which is in this current system only those with MONEY.

In an Equality-System – MONEY as we know it will not exist. We will have equal chances, equal opportunities, thus the opportunity to an equally fulfilled and abundant life with equal power. 
Constructs such as ‘working for survival’, ‘becoming what is expected from you’, ‘pleasing to be accepted’, ‘needing to be valued’ – will vanish. An Equality-System will provide the structural support and the foundation for each-one to be able to explore and discover Self as Life and thus as Equal in Value and Worth. We will inevitably learn what Self-Responsibility really entails and with that actual Self-Trust and Self-Enjoyment will unfold.
From this will be born the motivation to live and express as well as to contribute to the world through who one really is and what one really enjoys doing – because that which we enjoy doing, we do well!

In a world where work is not enforced under the threat of ‘life and death’, in a system where working or not-working is not connected to reward or punishment: 
Work will be love made visible, as we will literally be giving ourselves to ourselves, giving life to life, birthing a new world and discovering what it means to Live. The pleasure and the fun that will emerge from such freedom of movement and expression will be incentive enough for anyone to live and express: and thus to contribute to society as a whole in the best possible way.

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