Saturday, November 17, 2012

Human Resources | The Engineering of Humans as System Slaves

Today I watched the documentary Human Resources, which I suggest everyone must watch as it gives a history of the fabrication of consent and the creation of a society able to be controlled and manipulated through impulses, feelings, emotionsfear and desire.

That fear and desire can be fabricated, raises many questions on human nature and reveals how much we take for granted.
The Desteni research is thus far the only research I have come across that dares to question everything we as humanity have taken for granted and get to the understanding of the mechanics of consciousness by studying the cause and effect from a starting-point of responsibility and respect for LIFE.

The documentary shows that there is one thing we as humanity definitely LACK – and that is respect for life. We all know that this world system is made for profit and is exploiting life for profit, but somehow we manage to suppress this knowledge and just get on with our lives.

The mere terminology – “Human Resources” – reveals that the human is degraded to be merely the slave that keeps the system running while entertained through consumerism and made to believe that the conditioned ‘happiness’, ‘satisfaction’ or ‘success’ is real or relevant, in a world where in truth a child dies every couple of seconds from preventable causes.

We have even made a resource out of our very source – the earth, the atmosphere, the animal kingdom – all used and abuse for resources = money = profit = self-interest.

So, what is this life about? What is this world about? If we look our existence in the eye (I) and see things for what they are, this is what we can see this world system is about:
The fabrication of a manageable society through the fabrication of a self as slave. The enslavement of the masses for the fabrication of profit and power for a select few.

Now –
the only thing that can get us out of this is the actual understanding of how the human consciousness system works in its detail, realizing cause and effect, and thus seeing how we manifest the world as we know it through everything we accept and allow of this polarity system of masters and slaves, of winners and losers, of Haves and Have-Nots –
instead of valuing LIFE and thus establishing dignity and freedom within our Oneness for All, which can only be achieved through equality: valuing all life equally and stopping the power-games of the human race.
Common Sense.

If you agree that common sense is missing in the equation applied by humanity in 'everyday business', study the Desteni research and investigate the equal money system we propose to stop the atrocity we have made out of our existence.

Because as long as we do not comprehend the laws of our existence and the functional mechanics thereof: we will remain but slaves to our own self-interest, be it 'positive' or 'negative', based on conditioned belief - never getting to a solution for existence that is truly Best for All as LIFE.

The human does not have to remain an organic robot.

The key out of the prison of perception, perception being the individually and collectively conditioned view of the world and of self that one comes to believe is real –
the key out of such perceptual reality where all is a matter of opinion and thus war is 'justified', the key to the actuality of reality as the existence we all share:
the key is in self-responsibility and self-realization AS LIFE; thus in the transcendence of self-interest which is in essence ego, which is based in fear that only perpetuates the separation we exist in, into the interest of LIFE.

But fear is also used as an excuse to not have to abandon the comfort-zones of perceived 'power' or 'success' or 'satisfaction' within which the conditioned self becomes 'comfortably numb' – the perfect condition for the creation of an obedient slave.

As long as we hide behind fear, behind self-interest and our conditioned wants and desires: we are gullible and able to be controlled and manipulated, which is what is happening through the consumerism system in this world.

We want to consume, to have, to get – but we are getting no-where, and are in the end only consuming ourselves, life, this planet, and everything that sustains us.
It's time to STOP.

So what is this life about? We will see. Because it's what we make it, with ever breath – within and through who each one is and how one participates in one’s world: equal to life or not? That is the question.

We say that this life is about Stopping this creation that evidently has atrocious results for all life. To stop any point from repeating itself, it is imperative to understand its creation from beginning to end, cause and effect in all its dimensions and facets, and therefore inevitably to take responsibility for one’s own role within it all – because the mere fact that we are here makes us responsible for What is Here, because What is Here is the result of the interplays among all that is Here.

So – equal responsibility is a first step to change. Understanding of our role within the context of the whole is a further vital step. Understanding the laws of consciousness, the power-games, the fears and desires and how these work and function: a further step to disentangling ourselves from the chains of self-interest, of ego, of everything that is fake, fabricated, conditioned.

Who will we be as LIFE?
That is yet to be seen. There is much to be understood, and much to be walked, realized, forgiven, let go of, understood and acknowledged, before the human can stand in self-dignity as LIFE and help restore the value of LIFE, for all, as one, as equals.

This is the Journey to Life, and Desteni is the vehicle, the platform where we get together to work together and to show that we no longer accept this condition to be the ‘normality’ of life on earth, we no longer accept the limitation, the enslavement, the exploitation of life.

We stand-up in the name of life, to stop everything that has been created in the name of profit.

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a free course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Here & Now – Changing Our Here into a Home for Life

ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

What is Here?
Where is Here?
How is Here determined?

Let’s start off by looking at What is Here as this world, this reality, our existence as human beings, as humanity – OUR HERE.

Our Here is currently determined and defined, in fact dictated, by a world system that is based on profit, a system that exploits life for profit in all possible ways.

OUR HERE is currently an atrocity.

And where are human beings within this all, individually?
Where IS everyone? Where am “I”?

Our individual ‘here’ is determined and defined through our individual relationships, jobs, family, friends, everything we participate in our daily lives. However, when we look at our participation in this world, we’ll see that we interact and participate in our reality through masks of character roles, wearing personality suits, presenting ourselves from a starting-point of self-image whereby value is placed in attributes taught to us by the system according to the system’s values: profit, power, status, beauty, influence – the personal pursuit of happiness.

From this starting-point, our entire participation in our world individually is aligned to satisfying this one point: ‘the pursuit of happiness’ and ‘attaining value’ to define ourselves by. Within this we completely miss ourselves as life as well as our interconnectedness; Within our participation in self-interest, we refuse to acknowledge that when one part of life suffers, is harmed or abused: then all of life is affected as a whole.

How come we have no awareness of the fact that a child dies every couple of seconds in this world, from preventable causes?

The question arises:
Are we Really Here? Physically, factually, fully Here?

Each one is here in separation, and each one’s ‘here’ is pre-determined by the consciousness patterns one has been conditioned with, in other words: each one human being is here as a mind consciousness system only, existing in the pursuit of self-interest in separation from Life as a whole.

All the while, Life is Here. Everything is Here, always, at all times. The universe, existence, nature, the microorganisms that sustain us, everything of substance – is always HERE.
Yet, we are not aware of everything that is Here, we are not aware of everything that sustains us, we are not aware of the fact that we all come from and return to the same substance.

Everything is Here – yet us human beings are not here. Each one is like trapped in a separate bubble of ‘alternate reality’ formed by the mind as consciousness. This consciousness is systematically set to self-interest only, hence the human RACE for SURVIVAL in this ut-most-fear we all share as if there were no other way to live here together...

There exists actual awareness that is all-encompassing. And we do have a choice: One either remains trapped in one's own mind bubble preoccupied with one's self-interest, seeking, hoping, waiting, blaming, wishing - blind to the actuality of the ONE reality we all share; or one is Here in self awareness as a physical being on this earth, breathing, self-realizing life as the one common interest we all share, thus practically living every moment in alignment to what is best for ALL.

The Journey to Life is the journey from CONSCIOUSNESS as mind systems only in separation from life / ourselves / each-other, into an AWARENESS of the entirety of SELF, as life, as all and everything that is here within and as existence.

The Journey to Life is about changing our HERE, which is currently our world system and our individual existences as mind systems, from an awareness of/as self-interest in separation, to/into/as an awareness of/as life in the interest of ALL that is HERE as LIFE in oneness and equality.

The simplest ‘practice’ for us human beings in terms of getting to an awareness of self as life, is stopping the mind pre-occupation and becoming aware of/as the Breath of our physical bodies.

The breath of our bodies is what sustains us, and yet we are separated from breath, we are not aware of ourselves breathing in every moment because we are so preoccupied in the mind – yet the mind is what dies the very moment the breath of life stops and the body returns to its source, the physical substance.

Obviously we cannot just move our awareness from the mind to the physical and have it ‘done’, because the mind has in a way ‘possessed’ our very physical beingness, manifesting dis-ease, dis-comfort, mis-alignments in/as the physical body. Our bodies are formed by the mind, by the personalities and patterns we’ve accepted and allowed ourselves to participate in and define ourselves by/as.

It’s gonna take a process of ‘MAN KNOW THYSELF’ as mind consciousness systems to begin with – to see, realize and understand how we have accepted and allowed ourselves to function, to perceive, to react, and what patterns we have accepted and allowed to form ‘who we are’ and to in-form our world into relationships of self-interest and manipulation.

In order to STOP our existence of ego, self-interest and abuse, we have to see it for what it is in all its detail from beginning to end, realizing cause and effect, thus acknowledging how we have in fact created ourselves and keep creating ourselves as mind consciousness systems of separation, through our own acceptance and allowance of separation and an existence as patterns of self-interest.

In this process of seeing, realizing and understanding what and how we have become, what and how we have come to be:

We cannot but acknowledge that we are products of the profit-based world system, organic robots as system slaves that end-up recreating the same system of separation, abuse and exploitation over and over again. We may be advancing our technology, but we are not in fact evolving OURSELVES. Our technology is but the externalization of our mutating consciousness – as within so without, as above so below. Everything that is here IS ourselves.

Within seeing the CONSCEQUENCES of our existence not only on smaller scale/our individual relationships and environments but also in the bigger picture of and as the world system and the conditions we accept and allow to dictate life to atrocious results:
we have no CHOICE but to Stop recreating the same polarity patterns of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’, ‘Haves’ and ‘Have-Nots’, Stop recreating Money as Debt, Stop participating in power-games, Stop exploiting ourselves and the resources of the earth for profit, for an image of ‘progress’ when we are in fact only degrading, devolving, deteriorating.

An equal money system is a new system based on the value of life and aimed at restoring the value of life and in fact changing our HERE to what is Best for All.

To do this, we require to start with ourselves and change our Here – our starting-point, our awareness, our participation, our interaction – and align ourselves, our awareness, our practical living, to the interest of life as who we all really are.

We are HERE – therefore our Responsibility is HERE. Let’s make of OUR HERE a place that is a Home for ALL LIFE EQUALLY.

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

Join the Journey to Life!

by Anna Brix Thomsen

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Setting Life Free from the System – part2

ART by Maren Vargas Del Razo

If I have to look at what the most significant factor is that stands in the way of setting life free from the system – it is self-interest; it is the system itself.

The System does not exist without the human. It is manifested in the image and likeness of the human nature. Blatantly put, it is based in self-interest – thus a profit-driven system that places profit before life and reflects the “value” of profit in all its mechanisms.

Acknowledging the implications of what this means, it is inevitable that each human-being must examine in self-honesty how self within oneself and within the projections of all of self’s relationships exists in the pursuit of self-interest that places the individual in separation from life as a whole and that often drives the individual to obsessive, possessive, fanatical extents in a fantasy role play where it’s always about ‘winning’ and ‘losing’;

We create our conditioned projections as relationships of ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ and develop personalities that will play this game and seek out only those that will agree with our OWN categorization of the world, with our OWN definitions of things, of ourselves –

hence the power game based world we exist in = the externalization of the power games we accept and allow ourselves to participate in within our world as a projection of what goes on within our minds towards our own self and towards all our relationships.

These are realizations that each human being with some common sense should be able to see, and that those who seriously walk the process / the journey to life, known as the Desteni group, are busy ‘walking’ in terms of self-investigation, self-honest participation, common sense discussions, writings, blogging and vlogging, forum moderation, the development of and exchange on the proposal of an equal money system, self awareness courses, interviews and articles for self-education, and much more.

I am committed to what I see is required from every human being: stopping our addictions to self-interest and the illusions of energetic experiences, understanding the creation of consciousness, debunking mental projections and getting to the core of self to finally take self-responsibility, stand-up and live in dignity in all possible ways without the veils of self-delusion or fear, without illusions of ‘grandeur’ or ‘bliss’ –

because clearly, what bliss can exist in a world where a child dies every couple of seconds of preventable causes, in a world where 2/3 of the population cannot afford a dignified living, where kindergarten politics and the dictatorship of the money-system distract and absorb the average human being to such an extent, that ‘happiness’ and ‘freedom’ are defined within the very parameters of this prison of a system – and thus barely anyone seriously questions the entirety of the system, this existence as is.

It is not enough to question just selective parts of this existence, for example that which you don’t like or don’t agree on or that which you find bad or negative; EVERYTHING requires to be looked at in common sense through critical thinking to understand cause and effect, within and without –

otherwise there will always be something to which one submits, to which one indulges, by which one can be manipulated and controlled.

Is it a coincidence that the golden platter the systems serves and calls ‘life’ is full of ‘positive’ things?

And is it a coincidence that the human being YEARNS for ‘positive’ experiences and FEARS the ‘negative’?

And how come all those ‘positive’ things are always concepts, products, ideas, projections ‘out there’ to gain, to attain, to achieve, to earn, to die for!?

While the world is in Fact ‘negative’ in all possible ways, right here, in every moment, right before our very eyes.

Yet man, are we clever, we understood that you can use the ‘positive’ illusion to hide the ‘negative’ actuality, and then wow you even experience the ‘positive’, in spite of the fact that all around you a child dies every couple of seconds, constantly, around the globe;

yet we starve life to death while we consume the energy of illusion –

and in the end we’ve consumed ourselves to death and leave the world behind just like we found it, with the same illusions, the same power games, the same happy pills, just different names, different faces; advancing only in terms of easier and quicker illusions – through the evolution of technology and enhanced products of consumerism – from cosmetic science and longevity products to religions and spirituality: all promising SALVATION in one way or another. Really?

How long can one keep up the lie?

How long can one keep up the ‘positive’ while inside oneself all kinds of suppressions get noisy, things one does not understand why they exist, how they exist, and how come they seem to still be there in spite of the ignorance?

We consume the ‘positive’ – because we don’t wanna deal with the actuality of reality.

this is how Consumerism was born in the first place. It was then no longer about practical living and life support equipment – it was about experience, feeling. Sell them that feeling, they’ll buy it. Give them a dream to live for. It’s done.

We are here realizing we have to un-do it.

Stop the system.

Stop the game.

Get real.

CONSUMERISM exists within as without, above as below. This is in fact one of the core findings of the Desteni research and also on of the main messages

and understanding the implications thereof is a key to change, a key to power as life, through equality – a key to Life as who we all really are.

The system does not exist without the human.

Therefore to change the world, to change existence, it is not enough to change the system; the human must change.

Because the nature of the system is in the nature of the human.

What is currently keeping the human from changing is, next to self-interest: the system – the world of the human race for survival.

Everyone walking this process of sharing awareness and support in the journey to life of existence, still have to go to work, do jobs, earn money, to support self to be stable in this world under the circumstances of the current monetary system.

The system literally sucks the life energy off of you. But is life really energy? Well if we participate in the system through and as energy – giving in to power games, moods, motivation struggles – then we have defined ‘life’ through and as energy and have accepted energy to be something which has power over us, yet interestingly enough some understand this and use it to manipulate the world for profit: media, perception generation, public opinion, mass manipulation, (k)new(s)... yes, you ‘knew’ it, because we have history repeating, as if preprogrammed…

So yes, ironically, it is irrelevant whether or not currently a secret elite somewhere controls the whole world, because the control is already automated – the system doesn’t really need anyone in particular to run it, it runs through the human fear, the human desire for power, the human dream-quest; and all the ‘knowledge’ of the world is literally set up to keep the system running.

We are standing-up to stop this from the inside out. Yet we realize that you cannot change the world by only changing yourself.

The quicker we change the system into a system that will ensure the dignity of life for all, the more time everyone will have to face self, to educate self, to explore, investigate, get to know oneself and understand creation.

This awareness allows for actual self-responsibility for the first time in the history of mankind.

Responsibility for life as a whole. We are now ‘big’ enough or ‘far’ enough or ‘evolved’ enough to grasp this – the world is a global village and we can no longer deny the interconnectedness of everyone and everything on this earth –

but will we, or will we just sit there (god forbid (lol) under the perception of some galactic federation of light beaming good vibes and blissful love unto humanity) and be ‘proud’ with the idea of ‘big’ or the idea of ‘far’ (think ‘ascension’), ‘mesmerized’ by the energy of even ‘further’ and ‘bigger’ (think ‘enlightenment’)?

Currently, the answer mankind gives to this question does not shed any light onto the actual problems of the world, of humanity, of existence.

Blinded by its own consciousness – mankind is unkind.

Will we stand equal to life, or not?

The answer is and will be determined by each one, for oneself and humanity as a whole.

At this point I always remind myself that if the human were to vanish into self-destruction, the physical universe would still be here. This also means that the human is currently like a parasite in the universe, it is so inferior that it stands no chance to transcending this li(f)e into LIFE as oneness and equality, which obviously is the ultimate power, but a power that cannot be abused, and a power that will not abuse. This is the true magnificence of equality – and just by reading this you will agree that humanity’s got a long way as far as this magnificence is concerned.

Yet each one can make the decision to start walking this very process within oneself, and transcend the nature of self.

This obviously already requires some self-honesty, self-respect and the will to stand-up to self-interest of the mind and the addictions of energy.

It takes dedication, support, and patience, and thus time –

time which in this world system costs money; and money costs time.

So – sorting out the systems of our world is a big undertaking, but if we don’t do it we can’t say we cared about life, if we don’t do it we leave behind a world of fear and abuse in OUR name. If we don’t do it we don’t really deserve any better world.

Support an equal money system as it will very quickly eliminate starvation and poverty and will allow all living beings the best available of everything.

Consumerism will undergo a process of devolution, and the human being will be faced with itself, with life, with actual choice for the first time.

So much more is possible, and we all have dreams and things we’d like to do, talents to explore, theories to examine, to research, to work together, to understand: creation.

Life could be so much fun!

Investigate Desteni and Equal Money, study what has been written, shared, worked on thus far, and if you are serious about life, bring in your feedback, your suggestions and perspectives, yourself – work with us until it is done and all life can work together, as One, as Equals.

Life must be born from the physical, in the fact of the matter, as a living organism, self directed, self motivated, transparent and fluent, in full awareness, within and as oneness and equality of life.

ART by Marlen Vargas and Scott Cook

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

End your 'I' Possessions and get to Self Honesty through Self Responsibility - with support at the Desteni 'I' Process

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a free course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Setting Life Free from the System – part1

ART by Damian Ledesma

For further context read:
The Journey to Life - Breath by Breath
Letting Go of What is Not Mine 
Letting go of Possessions = No more Possessed

I commit myself to investigating the values I have given to things in my life (experiences, people, relationships) and within that to stopping my self-interest-based value-definitions and value-assignments,

as I realize that as long as my experience of myself and who I am can be influenced by ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ experiences apparently ‘happing to me’ based on my self-defined/accepted/adopted ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ value definitions: I have abdicated myself to the mind and am thus controlled through consciousness and controllable / gullible due to my own self-interest = the things I want, need, fear or desire based on the mind consciousness personalities I have developed and become in this world, ‘educated’ within consumerism in all ways.

Therefore, I commit myself to investigating in all possible aspects of my practical living where and how my participation / application is that of a CONSUMER;

to through such self-investigation in self-honesty: place myself in the position to stop my consumerism-participation and transform my practical-living into a participation that honors LIFE as oneness and equality.

I commit myself to investigating what are the things I create a possessive relationship to, as I realize that in terms of cause and effect, the consequence of wanting, needing, having to get/attain/keep something – anything – is that I become possessed by the very things/points I obsess about.

Therefore I commit myself to investigating what I am trying to prove, what I am trying to validate, what I am trying to keep, what I fear losing – such ‘defensive’ application, or should we say attitude, takes place subtly and subconsciously/unconsciously, as it is automatically directed by the personalities one develops throughout one’s life with the particular wants, needs, fears, desires constituting the particular self-interest of the personality based on the self-definitions it is attempting to validate in order to ‘survive’ as consciousness -

such subconscious ‘motives’ of self and the personalities that ‘drive’ those ‘motives’ (which is why currently no actual self movement as life exists; only system motivated drive, based in the polarity construct of fear&desire - fear actually being rather the ‘excuse’/ ‘justification’ as to why one does not ‘wake up’ and stand-up to break through the veils of the matrix; desire/want/need being actually the system’s fuel, its self-interest, its addiction, hence a world and a human driven by GREED as self-interest/profit, a world and a human that pretends to be GREAT as it is obsessed with greatness in self-interest/profit yet misses the actual greatness of life as the physical reality we all share, misses the greatness of equality as the only way/system for a healthy oneness),

such subconscious motives and personalities can be made conscious, ‘be revealed’ and made ‘visible’ for self, through writing, self-honesty, self-forgiveness, self-corrective practical living.

I realize and understand that all fear of loss derives from and is the polarity-opposite of the assigned ‘positive’ “value” we give to things in separation from life, from ourselves, from each-other as life and everything that is here;

hence the ‘positive’/ ‘negative’ polarity in all dimensions: thought, cognition, experience, mental interpretation, emotional body –

revealing that fear is not in fact real, but is merely the shield of consciousness personalities / system robots forming an ‘excuse’ to ‘justify’ one’s self-interest.

Therefore I commit myself to investigate the value I assign to things in all dimensions of my beingness – to within that equalize myself to and as the value of LIFE;

stopping the separation of myself and my separation to everything that is here; stopping the interpretation of reality through the mind of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ (since all such ‘self-interest’ is merely conditioned filters producing conditioned results, thus a world never changing, a human never changing, history repeating and life devolving) –

and aligning myself to the oneness and equality of LIFE, just like a new born, to see things for what they are, understand cause and effect of What is Here, and Get Real Here to be real effective in this one life in the context of existence as a whole, in self awareness as life, in actual evolution.

I commit myself to moving beyond knowledge and getting real, as I realize that my perceived reality and my accepted self-definitions comes from the perception of ‘knowing’ who I am within and as how I defined myself in the context of the system; wherein due to this ‘knowledge’ I ‘feel safe’ because I believe to ‘know’ and thus I that that I’m ‘in control’ –

when in fact this knowledge is the knowledge of a system through definition and acceptance/submission, and the perceived safety within the perceived control is but illusion – an illusion that certainly ends at death;

and the only thing such illusion serves during ‘life’ is self-interest, which then however implies that one is not living, as one is being lived/driven/directed: one is not life, as one is merely an organic robot conditioned to follow self-interest, follow one’s fears and desires because this is what keeps the system running, but “if I don’t have my fears and my desires to define me, then who am I and how can I live undefined?”.

I realize that knowledge as defined and applied in this world is a trap – wherein we think and believe that we ‘know’ who we are and how the world is simply due to the same patterns of experiences repeating throughout our lives and us responding in the same way, as conditioned – and within that we accept everything in essence ‘as is’;

when in fact we don’t even know where our thoughts, feelings and emotions come from and what constitutes the patterns of this existence, what allows the patterns to continue – and that is basically ourselves.

Therefore I commit myself to investigating how my thoughts, feelings and emotions were programmed, in fact: how I programmed ‘my’ thoughts, feelings and emotions into and as myself through my own acceptance and allowance of what I found here when I was born here, in spite of the clear evidence that What is Here is not supporting life in any way whatsoever.

Within this I commit myself to stopping the controls of the consciousness matrix within and as myself to begin with, so that I may assist others equally to realize themselves as life, and to further bring forth a new system of our world based on the actual value of life, thus equality for a oneness of freedom, of dignity, of LIFE.

I realize and understand that any and all knowledge of this world is useless, unless it used to understand how self functions, what constitutes the self we perceive as ‘who I am’, and how from the interaction of the individual self’s SOCIETY is created, which is globally revealing a shocking reflection of ourselves –

Therefore I commit myself to sharing the common sense that we require to Stop blaming the world, blaming the system, blaming each-other, and instead: take self-responsibility to get to know the truth of ourselves and our world, get to self-honesty about what is really going on in existence, what is really going on within the ‘secret mind’ of each human being, what is really going on in our relationships with each-other.

This would be actual knowledge as actual understanding of how things function in fact, CAUSE and EFFECT, and would reveal the truth: that we can no longer hide behind ‘excuses’ and ‘justifications’; that in fact there are no excuses, there is no other way to life than to take responsibility for What is Here, for ourselves, for our creation, for our world, our relationships, our every breath and ultimately the breath of every living being:

Hence why we propose an equal money system to start with, ensuring that the breath of every living being is free and without fear –

thus if you claim to be seriously interested in real solutions for mankind, for earth, for humanity - you should investigate the equal money system and the research and material at Desteni.

"The Desteni Message and the Equal Money System is exactly the same principles as the Jesus Message before it was Turned in Religion and Consumerism"
ART by Ann van den Broeck

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

End your 'I' Possessions and get to Self Honesty through Self Responsibility - with support at the Desteni 'I' Process

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a free course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

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