Sunday, February 27, 2011

Contributionism & Why we need a new system based in Equality & Oneness

BLOG-Response to a series of Vlogs on Contributionism and some Practical Equality & Oneness perspectives and considerations

Contributionism is a cool concept.
Yes, we must be active Participants of Reality, because after all, we are the building blocks of Reality - The very concept of contributionism implies that Change is something we create together on the basis of who we are.

But we must start HERE, with what is Here as the living-reality man has accepted to become 'human nature'.

Therefore, some considerations are necessary to address Change at the heart of the 'problem':
People are not gonna wake up and suddenly do what they’re passionate about. See the problem is people are not passionate anymore. No self-drive. Motivation is conditioned to require an external-stimulus, mostly it’s Money. And if you have no money the system holds you down, making it hard for you to do what you’re passionate about. Passion has to be learned, unfolded, it will take time. Half of us don’t have time: they are starving a slow death.
What we need is a NEW system to support life – and passion for life. A system transformation is gonna take time and will have to be done in steps. Same as the inner reality of each-one: it’s gonna take
 self-honesty and actual steps breath by breath to un-build and re-build a change in/as who we are.

Money is simply the externalization of how man exist and what humanity has become. We cannot take it out of the equation. It’s a point we must face and correct. An equal money system will work and will facilitate this process. If you take the money out, the same problem/point will manifest in another way, likely brutally. It is mans nature that needs
 to change: through self-realization and self-willed change.

In this video there is reference to “the principle the universe works on”, which is basically the point of equality & oneness – and yes, there will come the time where money or a means will not be required, because man will have self-realized what
 has been accepted and allowed and conditioned and supported. Man must stop. It will take some time. Meanwhile we have the responsibility to determine money in a way that will feed the starving and make sure everyone have food, shelter, health-care and education.
Money must be re-defined, re-invented, a new agreement must be reached. Money has
 the value &symbolic we give it, by direct or implied agreement. What needs to happen is: Man must re-consider what man is accepting& allowing, re-consider what he give permission for, and must agree to a structural, physical equality, the healing of the nature of man & mans co-existing.
A natural transcendence to lived-equality & oneness is possible because it’s 'who we are'= self-realization.

In a new equal money system, people will have Time. And Time will allow people to do the study/research they want, science & technology will have a new starting-point therefore a new aim: to
 the benefit of Life and not profit, interests & war. Man’s 'spirit' must be practical- it must have direct impact on this reality we share. Mans nature must meet mans spirit and become equal.
Then truly: a world of self-willed creators as Equals in Life, will be a world where children are welcome and all living beings can express freely.

The basic aspects mentioned: food, shelter, health-care, education and security is definitely what needs to be granted to all equally as support of Life. Again here, awareness must be raised / communicated / discussed, to see common sense and establish common ground with a new agreement.
 The definition of money or the exchange means must change. Digital points/credits in a system based on actuality no debt, no profit, no tax - will make sure all have equal.

Yes - financially viable is a statement that can only be justified in a system of 'scarcity' as the current system is claiming.
The very way money is being printed & handled is illegal and a violation of human rights.
The cancer is Man and what ‘human nature’ has become – Money only reflects that. Yes the way we exist only supports suppression, comparison, fear, deception.

We must transform the system in a way that supports all Life
 equally & give everyone the equal chance to live their passion.
We are able to take care of everyone’s basic needs through unconditional equal money from
 birth to death, and an equal labor-system will make the luxuries anyone can want attainable, making sure that money is valued per time and that everyone’s time is worth equally!
Obviously we must be active Participants of Reality - Contributionism actually implies that this Transformation is something we must create together on the basis of who we really are / want to be.
So let's start HERE, with the living-reality man has accepted to become 'human nature'; And let's address this effectively, because that is what gives permission for this world to exist as it does. A new equal money system will definitely support humanity in transcending the accepted, yet unacceptable 'human nature'.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

On Self-Realization & Money / ManEye as All as One as Equal

Self-Realization? Or Self-Real-I-zation .... 'Self' is not about a concept - it's about who we are, who one is –
'Self' is what we have accepted and allowed to become of 'us' and this world equally - and it is from here that we must stand-up in SELF-Responsibility.

Desteni is a group of people establishing an internet platform for the transcendence of 'self'
as 'all as one as equal' to practically live self-honesty and self-responsibility ---
What does that mean:
It means that when one is purifying and re-defining the accepted ways and definitions one has been existing within and living as that define 'who one is' and what this world is - one take into consideration all as one as equal, so that the 'correction' one determine and live is 'valid' for all life equally, as what's best for all.

Even if the current condition of the world does not really support this realization - one can look at the following equation:
if self as 'who I really am' is life,
then self = life = all = equal
and self = me = you = the world

This equation places the word 'Self-Responsibility' in a context that shows what Desteni is about - in terms of a 'concept' if one wanna call it that – within which is entailed the point of practical-application, which is what we at Desteni emphasize: that knowledge without application is useless, and that how we live and co-exist create this world.

What is also evident within this, is that the problems we, both individually and as humanity, are facing, stem from a value-system of polarity, on which we base not only our entire perceptual and defined reality, but also our structural reality as the world-system = the money-system.
Consequently, the current money-system decides who lives and who dies in this world – and we are all equally responsible because we accept and allow the établissement of such con value-system, while the real value=life is being not only disregarded, but in fact exploited and abused: for money.

Throughout history, our practical application as human beings has obviously been that of survival, from the starting-point of fear and separation.
Today, this is no longer necessary, and it’s time we stop pretending that the way we exist is the only way one can exist!
At Desteni we stand-up to practically and in-fact change that starting-point as self as all as one as equal – and therefore change the world as we know it to be a place of actual life-support – where we can stop surviving against each-other, stop existing in fear of each-other, and finally start Living - as Life, as Equals, as One.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

...a spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Zeitgeist...

...Zeitgeist the Geist of the Zeit – but that is really all it is: a spirit, a shadow.

For real change, we have to amalgamate our shadows and exorcise our ghosts; We have to stop all fear – fear of money included – and move from a judgmental angelic-wanna-be quasi-spirituality (spirit-duality) to actually-holistic and practical solutions for this material world here and now with a practical spirit that considers ALL LIFE EQUALLY. 

not only money - 
our system as such has become a crime against life - and only man can change that!
to simply “throw money away” with zeitgeist is not gonna change what we've accepted as 'human nature'. because what we see in 'money' will remain as 'geist' within and as human nature - and we will be Evil until we livE!

what will support man in transcending what we call 'human nature' is Equal Money for All from Birth to Death : through removing fear of survival and enforcing complete change within the practical definition of money and therefore who man is towards and with money.
Equal Money is us, people, taking responsibility for the point of money and the system we have created / accepted / allowed / silently given permission for to exist.
let's create a new world where we ALL can finally have some FUN for real -- EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE, and thus WE must change, 'human nature' must change - through self-realization/man-know-thyself and self-willed action/correction : to dignify ourselves and our world : to give LIFE back to LIFE -
and LIVE for real!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

'Good' & 'Evil' and Money in the World Today

there is no 'good' but the practical living application of self standing-up as life, within oneself and within one's world, in self-honesty, self-acceptance, self-trust, and willing self to walk in this world in a way that supports actual self-empowerment for life as all as one as equal.

if we allow ourselves to see that we all are the products of the circumstances we are born into, we an see how we are all born of systems and formed by systems - systems that are not life-supportive; systems that are run and controlled by money and that have only one purpose to satisfy: money.
money has become god - the very thing that decides who lives and who dies in this world.
we can also see that a system can only exist through agreement - through direct or implied acceptance, instruction, permission.

therefore we walk the active process of investigating what have we actually been accepting and allowing and giving permission for in our world through 'who we are' within and what we participate-in in our world - who we are within all our relationships.

because our relationships are the building-blocks of our world - and the consciousness polarity constructs of 'superiority' and 'inferiority' we allow ourselves to exist within and as = are the very essence of the energies that lead to war and animosity in this world.

such constructs are not of life; they are of the conditioned and accepted mind, based in definitions we developed of ourselves and each-other/our world.
when in-fact we as life-essence are all equal and equally valuable.
this equality is the basic principle we stand for and as - and the basic principle of an equal money system as we propose it.

we could theoretically 'lay back' and just 'live our life' - but I realize I can't. because who we are is life, and life is suffering, life is in pain, life is being abused and violated.
(wouldn't it be eviL to be here and not Live - Live and make sure everybody else can live as well)

given the current situation of our world where we see history repeating and humanity not getting over itself - we are able to see how we are responsible through direct or implied agreement to the world's conditions. we are able to see that we can't wait for others to change or anyone to save our asses, nor can we trust the current leaders of this world to do what is best for all.

we realize that the world reflects who we are inside/who we have become - and therefore we walk a process of self-purification to take back the power we've abdicated to systems (within and without) and stand as equals of life to give back dignity to ourselves and our world.

there can be no higher purpose to this existence but man's self-empowerment as life as the ability to live together and co-exist in this one reality without harming each-other, without exploiting each-other and without limiting/enslaving each-other.

that would be real power as life - in self-empowerment.
equal money for all in a new equality system, i.e. within a new re-defined value-system that acknowledges life as the actual value: will make sure everybody is capable of self-empowerment.
because 'power' as defined within the world-system - this 'power' that is based in the 'superiority'-'inferiority' polarity con - is not real. neither is 'superiority' or 'inferiority' real as such, other than how a being’s experience is determined through money and the conditions a being is born into.
mentally however, ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ are perceptual and relative 'values', made 'real' through make-believe and participation in the definitions created, accepted and given permission for, and supported through the current money-system. 
this seemingly 'natural' point as existent in the small scale within how we interact in our relationships - is the same point that escalates in wars and self-destruction in the bigger scale.

obviously we are dealing here with the transcendence of what we call 'human nature' - which firstly implies to take self-responsibility for what we have accepted and allowed 'human nature' to be.
this is obviously the biggest challenge mankind and humanity as a whole has ever faced in known history - and perhaps at this point we owe our gratitude to the technological advancement that emerged from our existence and is making the sharing of process easier and quicker (but that in itself is a whole other point to go-into).

in practical common sense, there can be no higher purpose for man other than to stand as an equal of life, to stand as a living-being in self-dignity and acknowledge that for all other beings equally.
this will allow for real 'power' as life - where no fear exists or need exist; only then will actual freedom be here as 'who we are'.

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