Friday, January 21, 2011

the Equality Equation: World eQuALLity is mathematically possible!

the equality equation is based in the principle of equality : the value of life is life.
the equality equation is a mathematical common sense 'approach' aimed to see what there is to see and to calculate what is best for all.

mathematically, the equality equation entails the 'accumulation effect'.
the accumulation effect tells us that 1+1=2  and +1 more is 3 etc.
and that if one put two and two together one can 'see' the outflows of 'what is here'.

therefore, in self-honesty one is always able to 'see' the truth of oneself; one is able to 'see' what one's actions and decisions are accumulating into and therefore 'who' one is becoming;
one is always able to 'know' what is 'best for all' and what not; and what the future holds based on what is being accumulated through the past - the past becoming the present with every moment in time and compounding into the future.

one is always equal to and one with whatever one accept/allow oneself to stand equal to; be it through action or inaction, through words or implication, directly or tacitly: we become what we exist as. therefore to change the future, we must change every now-moment here, as we walk breath by breath.

what is the 'dead end' that humanity's leaders have been 'ignoring': History repeating.
reversing the above example of accumulation, one is also able to see 'how we got here', what points/applications have accumulated to the extent of today's global conditions - and therefore what is it that mankind requires to stop.

yes: we must stop history, before history stops us.

...and yes, one will come-up with rather 'radical' results when one start calculating reality through the equality- equation. but then again, profit-based calculations and half-hearted applications are not bringing any real solutions for mankind and 'human nature' whatsoever... let alone earth and other forms that the human is binding to its egocentric existence...

so -
here, we are standing-up radically, to radically apply the equality-equation as the radical consideration of 'what's best for all' always and in all ways - for a radical change both in the world as a functional system and in 'human nature' as who we are as the building blocks of our world.

equal money is a point to start, if we are to walk the journey of transcending our fate as humanity and creating our desteni as heaven on earth for all.
equal money will equalize all relationships and will support the acceptance of life as equal value - forever changing what we have accepted as 'human nature' and 'the ways of the world'.

it's up to us. 
and i'm up to it!

Friday, January 14, 2011

inter-net & world-wide-web

the internet is making the 'hidden' known and pushes everyone to transparency; the internet is putting into our face the fact that poverty, starvation, abuse exist, even if we are not exposed to it within our 'protected elitism' - that suffering doesn't cease to exist just because we don't see it; internet accelerates mankind's process of self-realization by bringing all points into everyone's awareness to be faced - one could say the internet is the collective unconscious that is coming to surface and reveals the world's real face.
time to face ourselves and each-other and REALLY consider what kind of world we are creating and how - and whether it's really what we want for the children to come - which is ourselves. would YOU want to come back to this world? 

we don't have to continue this way. change is possible. WE are the building blocks of the world.

and just like we reap what we sow, the web we create around and as this world will either hold and support it or suffocate and destroy it; the web we create as this world is equal to the rod and staff we thread it from - which is ourselves: who we are is what we get.

time for change.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Interest and Dignity

Accepting self-interest within ourselves means we give permission for self-interest to exist in all others. This manifests a world of greed & war, abuse & control... 
Live the solution as self-honesty and realize that Equality is the key to actual freedom & a world of self-willed Equals that Live self-expression in honor of each-other as Life. Dignified Life for All is possible, but WE have to live-it into creation.

Child Ab-Use – The current money system supports Adultery

The adult speaks to the child. The child looks at the adult with big eyes.
What is going on?

It’s like inviting a foreigner to your land, and then do nothing but talk to the foreigner in your own language, making yourself believe the other person understands what you’re saying, just because you do.
Same with children. Do we really not see the look in their eyes?
In the best case the adult attempts to communicate with children are sad.
Every adult that has in any way contact to children should ask themselves: How do I see children? Who am I in relation to children? And what is my starting-point within communicating with children: Am I trying to prove that I am ‘someone’ or ‘something’? Am I trying to impose my control? Am I attempting to ‘sell’ my ‘morality’ and beliefs? Am I trying to feel better about myself?

If the definition of ‘adult’ is what we can see on the ‘adult zone’ on TV, then adults should stay the hell away from children.
Instead of brainwashing our children based on our own fears, insecurities and desires, what we require in this world is a total re-evaluation of our value-system and equal opportunity for proper, self-honest education of all beings; to establish in common sense and basic dignity, a platform that functions as actual life support in the world. A new language is required, a language that expresses self-responsibility and promotes clarity of the relations we humans create in and as this world; A common sense language that will assist in developing and establishing not only sound communication skills for a sound co-existence, but more importantly a sound Self; Because we, each and every single being in existence, are the building-blocks of our world. We require sound individuals that recognize life as a Whole and the value of life as the highest value, and that will therefore ensure that life is supported in all ways, and that all life is supported equally – even the child that cannot yet speak, or the animal or the bug.
What we require is Custodians for our world, our home; and Custodians can be nothing less than self-willed equals that realize themselves as such. Destonians are Custodians; You and me – this is our call. And One by One we are able to support ourselves and each-other to stand-up and accept nothing less from ourselves and each-other, in this process of re-creating our world to be heaven on earth – a place where children are welcome and able to live and express – as should all beings born into this world.

To be able to pull through and ensure the point of equal rights and equal education, equal life for all that is born into this world – an equal money system is a step on the way, to re-educate the human condition into a more balanced existence and actual life support, by taking the fear of survival out of the equation. This will have long term effects on the human psyche; Because currently, money is the one thing that each life is touched by, whether one has money or not. In fact, money has become ‘god’ in this system, a ‘god’ that decides who is able to survive in this world. Self-Interest rules the world, as ego rules the hearts and minds. Inequality is based on fear and lack of understanding. Equal Money is based on the value of life and will assist the human to move from survival to actual Living – This is a chance for us humans to prove that we are in-fact considering more than our own ego – we are considering all life equally and are worth evolving and remaining a part of the Cosmos.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The World - A Mental Institution & How to Break Free

this whole world has become a mental institution.
we are psychopaths.
'who we are' and how we exist in our relationships is how we create this world and feed the system.

'human nature' is what it is because we've accepted it - we really cannot allow ourselves to say "it's just human nature" because within that is implied that it is 'unchangeable' and this creates 'acceptance', which is the very mind-control that keeps the system running and feeding off of life.

what we CAN 'do' today is stand-up and support a new value-system, a new money-system, an equal money system.
because what we are facing as humanity boils-down to a problem with our value-system. 
through equal money for all = we change our value-system to be life-supportive, instead of being based in fear and the desire for power.

if we look at it, the world's value-system (that which we are accepting and validating day-in, day-out) is our mind-control. 
and all systems of this world 'work' towards integrating that value-system into what we call 'human-nature'.
so: family is mind-control, education is mind-control, money is mind-control, sex is mind-control, everything of this word has become mind-control and is supporting the mind-control we allow inside: fear and the desire for power.

the technology and abilities and possibilities that exist today do not justify this 'human nature' as we are accepting it. meaning, if we wanted to, the actual physical problems of this world could be eliminated very quickly. it is possible.
yet again: fear and the desire for power is 'why' we don't want to - even though we actually do want to. it is insane.

so it is ourselves we have to get over with -- stop playing the game of 'superiority'-'inferiority', and stand-up for life. once and for all. and support a change, a transformation, within as without, to a lifestyle of dignity and life-support.

self-realization as equality (because the value of life is life) and practical equality as a system of life-support with equal money for all from birth to death: is the way to freedom. for ALL.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Revolution as Resolution to Evolution

If there’s been any Evolution going on, the Human consciousness has clearly missed it.

It is the year 2011. In a world of abundance & technological advancement that could provide for a dignified life for All, a Child dies every 5 seconds from preventable causes. Money has become the god that decides who lives and who dies.
Time to STOP !
Equal Money is the first Revolution that stands for Equality of Life –
The Value of Life is Life – our evolution as humanity has got some catching up to do! Be part of the solution, make a Stand!

Revolution as Resolution to Evolution?

A Revolution cannot be based on ‘hope’ or ‘fear’.
The revolution that is currently taking-place is being determined within the practical reality of each-one in every moment of breath. Because ‘who we are’ creates the world.
To stop history before it stops us, it is necessary to give this revolution a sustainable, valid 'purpose' that support Life – all life equally. That is Common Sense.
For this revolution to be an actual resolution to our evolution, we must find the resolve to stand-up and participate.

Then it can be seen that all are driven by the same fear and the same desires or basic needs – even though the belief-systems and projected desires that are utilized to apparently ‘balance-out’ the fear and distrust that is existent: look different for each individual. On individual level, one can recognize these ‘power-games’ of perceived superiority and inferiority in the patterns of interaction on participate in.
To see the common denominator of all as one as equal within this consciousness unified field: is key to realizing common sense.

It is obvious common sense that the solution for this revolution is to be realized as living-revolution that moves as ‘who we are’ – that moves through self-will and in accountability – in direct participation within the System(s), which is the only way to change the System and bring-forth a resolution that is sound and that will put an end to Starvation, Hierarchy, Profit, Manipulation.

The generations to come from this moment on, will be more and more in a position to live without fear and focus on the real issues humans and humanity is facing – and they will be more and more in a position to effectively ‘correct’ the co-existence patterns on inter-personal and global level.

Obviously the self-honest 'purpose' of Man is to Know Oneself and realize that Man has the ‘ability’ to see and self-realize how creation works, how one has created oneself – one’s life-experience and one’s personality(s) through one’s own accepted and allowed participation in and definition through polarity patterns.

Hence, Man has no choice but to stop victimizing oneself and others and to stop glorifying projected ‘ideals’ of self-deluded grandeur = Stop fear and Stop the desire for ‘power’, the two poles the human psyche is ‘spinning around’ in its endless ‘search’ – and self-realize Here in self-responsibility for ‘who we are’ and how we co-exist.

This is the only way to develop self-trust and live self-honesty – self-honesty and self-trust the ‘ingredients’ required, if Man is ever to establish a world where one can honestly trust each-other, a world of self-willed equals.

Equal-Money Revolution - for Human Evolution - for Life, for Real!

With the Money System collapsing and the World-Separation in poorer, richer and Starving escalating, it is obvious that a Change is needed.

What is also obvious is that we can no-loner afford to sit and wait, because if the ones in positions capable of bringing-forth Change would have wanted a change, they would have done so already. 
No-one is coming to save us.

At this very moment, there is enough Food for Everybody in the World, yet not everybody has access to it. Money buys life, and the worth of life is measured by that piece of paper we gave value to. This is unacceptable and we can no-longer accept the exploitation of Life to continue.

Taking into consideration the fact that we are all subject to the conditions we are born-into, which is a point of no-choice, implies that we are All equally Responsible for what is Here, by the mere fact that we are born into this world and are made of the same substance, breathing the same air.

This Reality, this World has not evolved. Despite Technology upgrading, our world has degraded into a place where we exist in fear of each-other.
The Starving are obviously not in a position to contribute to a practical solution for our World, and those in Positions of `power´ are obviously not willing to consider what would be Best for All. Man´s problem is Greed, stemming from the Fear that has become our very driving-force, the law of our being. We exist in Survival-Mode.

This accepted `law of our being´, silently agreed upon by all that have a Voice in this world -all that `play the game´- implies that we are all enslaved by our own acceptances, and mutually enslave each-other. Thus no-one is free until All are Free.

The Game must Stop.
We must Stop.

I stand for Equality and Oneness of Life as the Living-Principle, as our Common Ground, as our Common Interest. The fact that this `point´ is not yet CommonSense, only reveals how substantial the problem is that we as humanity are facing.

Equality, the `missing link´, the point we have disregarded in all our quests for `truth´, is practically demonstrated through an Equal Money System that will facilitate the Transition to actual lived-Equality in all ways of our Existence.
Money itself is not the problem. Money is man-made and reflects Man´s Image and Likeness: separation, deception, manipulation, abuse, greed, self-interest. The actual solution to this World must be Man: each and every single one of us. 

Within the Self-Realization as Life as Equality, we can no-longer deny that we must BEcome the Living Solution for this world to change into a place of Life and Freedom of Expression, a world that will provide for the Children to come, a world where we Care for Life.

Equal Money for All from Birth to Death for a Dignified Life is the practical solution Desteni suggest as an interim System of Support, wherein Money will be given the value of Life: Equality. 
Within this, Man is assisted to Self-Realize - because with the removal of fear and control, Man will finally have the time to focus on what really matters, to Self-Realize Life and the Freedom of Expression and discover the actual Value of himself as a Living Being.

We are the ones to bring-forth Change. One may say that we are in-fact the Elite of the world: all of us who have a roof over our head, Food to eat, some Money in the pocket and access to Internet. Considering the fact that we do not choose where we are born-into, nor the Money available in our environment-to-be: We realize that there is no `They´. We are all in this together and each-one determines the future of Existence in every moment of breath - with every thought, word and deed.

In the Self-Realization that All Life is Equal: Self-Honesty as Life emerges and the CommonSense can be seen that: what is Best for All is best for me. 
We must Will ourselves to Stop self-interest, fear and greed - and get ourselves fit to Stand for All Life and bring-forth the Change that everyone wish for, the Change that will Benefit All Life.

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