Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 Debunking Self Religion as Ego | For Universal Freedom & Truth

The Religion of each one is the personal ideas and beliefs as world-view each one creates to 'explain' and 'justify' why one is who one is, why one exist the way one exist and why the world is as we know it. This mental self-creation is basically an attempt to not See the actuality of reality - a way to abdicate responsibility using 'reason' and claiming one's 'own truth' as the valid 'explanation' for reality.

Can anyone 'own' Truth?

TRUTH is all around us, it is Here as this World, for all to see and face. There is only One Truth equally for All and that is the manifested consequences of/as this Reality.

Our Truth is in our Oneness
Currently our Oneness is that of separation, manipulation, exploitation of life. Any path of denial is a path of self-delusion and self-abdication, an attempt to not See, to not Hear the call of Life. Your own truth is your self-honesty, however self-honesty is never 'pretty', it's never 'shiny', as it actually reveals the secret mind reality of suppressions, denials and polarities that is recreating manifesting the world as we know it. 

Self-honesty is the greatest dare for every single individual because in seeing self-honesty we have no choice but to take full self-responsibility and start stopping our self-created bubbles of delusion that we create to blind ourselves from the actuality of this reality. 
This is in fact a process of letting go of all mind constructs and ideas of 'beauty', 'bliss' and 'power' and asking the question: How do we establish a practical-reality that honors and supports life as all equally in all ways? To do that, we must first realize and understand How we created the fuck-up that is existent currently, within and without, and start freeing ourselves from the traps of consciousness. This revolution is walked from the inside out, and we are living proof that change is possible and self-responsibility is the way. 

Self = life = equal = all 

and therefore self-responsibility per definition implies full responsibility for all and everything that is here. Here, this earth, this one reality we share, is where transcendence is possible. If one cannot stand Here, one can stand in no other reality.

An answer as solution to this world, this reality, must include all and everything, and therefore that answer must be what's best for all. And therefore in Common Sense, realizing Common Interest as Life on Common Ground, each being will self-honestly come to the same answer, the same solution - because it will be best for all. 
All roads lead to Equality, because Equality is the principle that makes Oneness a worthy place for all to be Free. Beyond that, it is a question of time and suffering - and we have realized that we can reduce suffering by taking direct responsibility and walking self-honesty and self-transformation instead of fighting for our limitations as ego and basically waiting for life to prove us wrong - because then it will be too late.

The message of Desteni is that nothing will change unless we change - through taking Responsibility for our inner and outer reality individually. 

Quests for freedom in this world have thus far missed the point of practical self-application in self-honesty and self-responsibility - because if we look at the world: even people/groups supporting equality still point fingers and address blame toward external points, without looking at how each one is contributing to the existence of such points (such being the government or any/all of the world's systems: education, money-system etc. or manifestation such as murder, rape, sex-trafficking, child-pornography etc.). We must realize that everything exists through what we accept and allow in every moment of our existence. 

At Desteni we in fact investigate our own individual part/responsibility as to how each one individually is actually giving permission for this world to exist as we know it, and we apply practical self-correction/self-purification within and without to stop all points of separation, abuse, deception, manipulation. 
Further, we share our processes in blogs and vlogs so that others may recognize the constructs and patterns humanity is trapped within as we are all individually trapped within. 
We realize that humanity is a group, and that a viable and sustainable solution for the world must be always 'best for all'. This implies that we the people need to transcend ego and learn to work together and develop common sense, and stop the constant competition that has literally become the human Race; stop the fear that is the actual mind-control in this existence.

Quests for freedom in this world have mostly been quests of 'personal freedom' and have missed the point of oneness and equality as the Whole, as this One reality, this world we equally share. Currently we can see that we are not sharing this world, this Earth equally, but that Money dictates who lives and who dies; Money dictates the chances and opportunities each one has in what we call 'life'. 
The current money-system is unacceptable as it only leads to further separation and perpetuates deception, abuse and exploitation of life. Therefore to change the world we must change the systems that manage the world.

However long it takes, there is no other way to freedom but the actual walking of transformation in self-responsibility in self-realization as life, as a Whole - within as without.

Life is Oneness, but we have projected a shiny idea of oneness to make ourselves feel better with, instead of realizing that Oneness by definition implies Equality: equal participation, equal power, equal chances, equal value. 
Oneness also implies absolute responsibility for all that is here. To get to real Oneness, to 'get there', we must walk Here; changing our Here into a living-reality where the value is Life. Life is Here - and we cannot be equal to Life as long as we are 'out there' trapped in projections of the mind, 'hoping' and waiting for some miraculous epiphany to enlighten our fate. 

The fate of humanity is already written - And it takes self-directive principle and self-honesty to take on the script of reality and write a new desteni for mankind as humanity that is viable and sustainable and that will bring forth a substantial transcendence and the end of (self-)enslavement once and for ALL. 

Freedom must be actual, not a mental projection. 
No one is really free until ALL Life is Free.

Check out:
Equal Money - The Future of Money
Virus Free Mind
Freedom Blogs - The Birth of Practivism Volume 1
Freedom Blogs - The Birth of Practivism Volume 2
FAQ Equal Money System - Science & Language

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 & The Mayan End | The End of Illusion, the End of Separation

To begin with, let me place the title of this Blog post into context:

Humanity is a group.

We have existed so long in self-interest in an existence where we meet each-other with our elbows, where we exist in constant survival-mode, comparison, competition, through which emerge fear, jealousy, protection-mechanisms; that we’ve separated ourselves completely from life, we’ve separated ourselves not only from who we really are but also from each-other. 
We communicate with each-other on the level of fear and mistrust, literally as in a ‘human race’ – instead of interacting and communicating as LIFE, in freedom, transparency, equality.

This world exists as power-games, on the bigger scale of the global ‘markets’ ( has become a single market and that is in fact the point that requires immediate and radical transcendence if we are to continue as humanity) as well as on the smaller scale of personal relationships and ‘relations’.

That is why this process is the process of a group. The group is humanity and the question is whether humanity will be an integral and holistic part of and equal to life or whether this system and what we have become as systems will simply go under, self-destruct, decompose.

This is what we’ve realized at Desteni and that is why walk this process both individually in the pursuit of self-honesty, self-trust, self-empowerment, self-purification in full responsibility; and equally as a group through learning to really get to know each-other and to work together as equals, while we more and more peel the layers of dishonesty, deception and fear that have become the ‘make-up’ of the human species that is daily applied because ‘the show must go on’.

We are here to stop all illusions, burst the bubble of all self-delusion, and get real, while we create the change we want to see in the world – starting with ourselves.

In the vedic philosophy "Maya" is the term for this world as Illusion. 
What exactly IS illusionary of this world? 
It is not the earth, it is not nature, it is not even the physical bodies that inhabit the planet. It is the systematic consciousness of the human, out of which emerged the world-systems – this world as we know it – that is illusionary. 

We base our existence and interaction in this world on bipolar systems of separation, greed, fear and the desire for power. We have created many ideas and perceptions of power, the pursuing of which results in personal and global war and conflict. We exist against each-other in this world, instead of living together and supporting life as our common interest, on common ground, in common sense.

2012 has been associated with many pin-points in time within the history of mankind that promise significant events and the change we all wish for, but as this year enters we finally realize nothing is changing unless we do; and no one is coming to save us; we have to save ourselves.

The End of Maya – that is the End of Illusion. 

The ‘protective walls’ that have been covering up the lies and deception of the world system – a system of abuse based on illusionary perceptions, ideas and constructs manifested through the consciousness of a (man)kind that seems to have no conscience – are falling apart. The money-system is falling apart and the curtains behind which secrets were kept are crumbling. We are witnessing the revelations of our own ‘nature’ as it leaks into transparency. The secret mind of human systems rises to the surface permeating everything and showing its true face. As the shit hits the fan mankind is faced with itself, its creation and the manifested consequences thereof; the consequences of ‘who we are’ – who, how and what we have become and what we have accepted and allowed to become of this world that is ourselves.

We require solutions, and we require to live the solutions into creation, into beingness, into transformation

Investigate the solution of equality and oneness, self-honesty and self-mastery, investigate the equal money system and the global discussions that are daily communicated throughout the social media – keywords/tags Desteni, Equal-Money, 2012
We are people from all over the world that no longer want to sit and wait and hope for the world to change and salvation to come miraculously; people that are no longer willing to accept and allow the abuse, manipulation and deception that runs through the veins of this world system, both in the large and small scale, covered-up with the veils of ‘beauty’, ‘promises’ and ideas of ‘freedom’ or ‘power’. 

We realize that it is our very nature and how we co-exist as a group, as humanity, that must be transformed, and that is why we practically and consistently apply the realizations that have emerged and are emerging as we walk this process. 
We are here to take responsibility for our world as ourselves and make an actual impact on the reality of this existence. We are here to dignify ourselves and that which we call ‘life’. We are here to create a place for life to be Free – and for life to have Fun! For Real!

Watch out for the Freedom Blogs released by people standing-up all over the world; people waking up to the actuality of reality; people peeling off the veils of illusion that has been keeping us preoccupied, consumed, possessed, entrapped within a system of power-games, war, lies; people refusing to continue accepting and allowing an existence of separation, abuse and exploitation; people that are working on and living into beingness THE END of separation, THE END of abuse, THE END of exploitation. 

Let the year 2012 be the beginning of the end of your own personal illusions. Learn how to debunk your own delusions with the tools of self-support shared at 
Let the year 2012 be the end of illusion and the beginning of a new reality for life where we as life are the directive principle that determines the world we want to live in. Let’s get together and create a new reality for humanity collectively and individually – a reality that will support life in all ways, as we start to support ourselves and each-other in honesty and respect.

Let us stop depending on time, prophecies and systems – and let us take responsibility and stand-up to purify  our existence from the inside out.
2012 – Meet the Destonians and read/listen to the revelations, realizations and discussions shared by all of us throughout the various social media platforms.

Investigate and participate in the Equal Money System and the real revolution in this world.
Get Informed, Get Involved. The universe is waiting for you!

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