Why CHANGE, and why VALUE?
In the world as we know it that has emerged from the money-system and its ‘evolution’, VALUE is placed not in life, but in profit – as can be seen everywhere in the paradigm of consumerism and planned obsolescence.
Consequently, ‘educated’ through the current accepted world system people learn to place VALUE in that which will preserve ‘my own’ – be it possessions, family, nation, race, belief-system, ideology, religion, political party or any construct of ‘survival’ in this world.
And regardless of what ‘values’ a group/grouping is committed to and follows – whether left wing or right wing, ‘light’ or ‘dark’ or middle road – it all comes down to self-interested, separatist ideas conceived to preserve a group/grouping against the rest.
We kill in the name of our ‘values’ – the ‘values’ we’ve been indoctrinated with – while we disregard the real actual value that we all have in common and that enables us to be here and breathe in the first place: Life.
Self-preservation, self-interest, self-image: the price to pay is no less than life itself. What we call ‘life’ is in fact a slow death, murder, suicide. We compromise the life that we are for ideas of grandeur, specialness, ‘value’, while we in fact de-value and degrade life – ourselves, the planet.
In a world where money buys ‘life’, we pay with our lives for something that is not even worth living, while half the world is even left to suffer and starve so that a select few can have that which is deemed as ‘valuable’.
“Thou shalt not worship false idols ... Thou shalt have no other gods before me” – Yet this is exactly what we are doing within and through this world system we have accepted and continue to allow as if there is no other way. Our false idols and fake gods are many: power, status, image, dominion, supremacy, fame, fortune – all of it boiling down to one thing, one ‘ring of power’ that enslaves all: MONEY.
The real ‘god’ is patient: Life moves on, breath by breath, and confronts us individually and collectively with who/what we have become and the things we are accepting, allowing and giving permission for to exist in the world as we know it. Life has only one principle, one command, one question: Who are you in the face of life? Who are you in the face of it all, in the context of everything that exists? Do you worship ideas, projections, illusions – or do you value and regard life as all as one as equal?
In an equal money system, LIFE will be the only value – the ‘highest’ value, yet common to all living things. Equality is the transcendence of separation and the way to real Oneness.
In an equal money system, money will not exist; Only life will exist. And Life will determine the way of life – not money. We may utilize ‘tools’ to express and apply and distribute our equality as the abundance of life – but the CONsumerism CULTure of isms and schisms will be no more.
Life as the highest value implies that all life will always have the best of everything available and provided – anything that is of support in terms of self-expression, self-discovery, self-growth. Exploration of life, communication, freedom: that is the real pursuit of happiness. No price tag, no strings attached.
Everything that the planet provides is given to all and must be applied and utilized in ways that best serve all, and the planet as a whole. The sun shines equally for all. Why then is the son of the sun so petty?!
It is time to re-evaluate and re-form the accepted value-system which we allow to determine life based on the money that has become god, deciding who lives and who dies!
It is time to self realize life as oneness in equality – and acknowledge in every living being the value of life equally!
An equal money system is a holistic approach to reality, and this time in the history of mankind it will no longer be a philosophical or metaphysical approach, but a pragmatic practical approach that considers and regards all things of the earth, all things of life, including the human – each one.
A new paradigm wherein the human will truly, finally, self realize life as oneness and equality and thus take responsibility for life as the highest value.
Given the evolution of the human consciousness, one would have expected that we become Custodians on Earth and take care of ourselves and each-other, the plants and the animals kingdom in a way that is best for al. Yet we have allowed fake ‘gods’ and ‘values’ to keep us divided and separated from life. And while we pursue delusions of grandeur and supremacy, we are in fact inferior in the face of it all. Deep down inside we exist in fear – fear of each-other, fear of ourselves, fear of life, fear of living fully and giving our all.
It is time to re-consider what life/living can be! It is time to consider the value of equality in all practical matters of humanity – because (and isn’t it ironic...) equality is in fact the way to freedom, the way to real value as life, the way to life itself as who we all really are.
In an equal money system – which could all the same be called Equal Value system – we can bring forth a new way of life, where life is valued in all practical ways of co-existence. We can live together, not against each-other, and base our existence on real, actual value – the value of life.
The value of life is life.
And in this, all things of the earth breathing the same air and containing the same water: are equal. No more blood over water; no more profit over life; no more fear over love.
An equal money system will assist and support Man to be Kind – in fact! – so that earth can be saved and the desteni of mankind transformed through actual self-will and directive principle, truly in the image and likeness of ‘god’. And as we stand-up and prove our worthiness in life through standing as equals of life and acting in the best interest of ALL, respecting the real value that is life and which we all have in common: the ‘real god’ will be pleased and all things will be peaceful; and life will be born and living will be love made visible.
Because the most valuable ‘product’ in a system of equality that is based on the value of life: will be LIFE itself.
And thus only life will ‘profit’: the animal kingdom, the plants, the waters and the air that we breathe; each Self as life as Equals, and All together as the planet as One.
A Win-Win ‘scenario’ with the best quality of life for all life.
Investigate the equal money system as proposed by desteni – a group of people standing-up for life in oneness and equality in all practical ways matters of existence. The Future of Money 2020 is the end of slavery, the end of separation, the end of exploitation, the end of all abuse.
Get informed, and get involved: be One vote for LIFE in time to come – Start here and now, Get-up, Stand-up.
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