FLOW - The cases and stories portrayed in the documentary are transparent enough for anyone to see through the veils that capitalism attempts to place before reality.
The conditions and circumstances presented could be avoided, prevented, and the people affected could be cared for and provided with the living-necessities to ensure a dignified life and self-sustainability for the communities. Yes, “Could” – if for example the monstrous profits of the corporations went even to small percentage back to the people and the places they exploit in the first place.
Not that THAT would be a real, actual, viable and lasting solution – but still, it would be the least one could do to NOT have MILLIONS of people moved from their homes and lands so that dams can be built for the corporations to exploit the water for bottling and selling, without ever buying the land or owning the water or providing alternative solutions for the people they expel.
A solution in the context of BIG (Basic Income Grant) would relieve the immediate suffering and practical concerns of the poorest of the poor and would provide every single human being with the basic needs one requires to live in this world.
30,000 children die DAILY from water contamination.
At the same time, water is becoming the next oil for the egos of the elite: the ‘blue gold’. Transient goods such as water cannot be owned, they are provided by the earth for all its inhabitants and are a natural resource without which life on this planet cannot exist. This should be practical and applied COMMON SENSE. Yet it is not.
WATCH this documentary (again) and discuss it with your friends – ask yourself what it will take to stop the RINGS OF POWER CREATED through, with and around MONEY and the ELITE.
Observe how it is not that seldom that CEOs, executives and high rank members of the big corporations pull out and break with the systems once they see what they are/have been supporting through ‘playing the game’; once they can no longer sit back and watch what is going on, no longer allow this, no longer be part of the problem. So some do stand up and make the choice to become part of the solution.
Perhaps those that consider joining the movement of ‘Common People’ are not few…. We could perhaps contribute to encouraging people in ‘high places’ to do stand-up, do speak-out, to no longer allow the exploitation of life for profit!
WATCH this documentary and you will see there is only ONE solution to the whole-problem, and that is a solution that considers and regards ALL and the WHOLE planet as ONE. A solution based on the value of LIFE, a solution that will bring-forth equality of the right to life, equality in the living quality for all, and will stop all abuse, all exploitation, all separation once and for all.
This solution is the equal money system as proposed by the Desteni group – a group of people like you and me that have had enough of this world as we know it, enough of sitting back and expecting the big players to come-up with a solution that will consider what’s best for all; because they won’t. WE gotta do it for ourselves, for the COMMON sense. WE gotta do it for ALL, we gotta stand-up and find the will and the way to address the problems with actual, practical, viable solutions that are Best for All.
It will not be before 2020 that a new equality-/life-system can start being implemented through an equal money system – but until then, please make sure you support the values of life: equality and oneness and dignity for all.
BIG (the Basic Income Grant model) is one small, yet considerable step towards that direction, as through BIG we’d be able to abolish poverty from the face of the planet and that relatively quickly!
Once poverty and fear of survival no longer drive human beings, a whole new world is opening up and people can be educated with practical common sense, self-responsibility and political ways of self-empowerment. The BIG pilot project in Namibia proves this. The story of the Indian village shown in the documentary FLOW proves this.
The situation of the world and especially the latest developments with the monopoly on water shows that love does not exist; because the human psyche/ the human nature /the human consciousness does not allow LIFE to FLOW to ALL EQUALLY.
Instead of GIVING LIFE so that all may HAVE/BE/LIVE Life – the human condition tends to try and OWN and possess ‘life’. This behavior not only disgraces the human, it also perpetuates the system and feeds the constructs of greed, self-interest, exploitation, abuse.
In this world that we’ve manifested:
Money doesn’t flow, Food doesn’t flow, Water doesn’t flow to ALL.
And the reason is the ill will of Man(that is not)Kind.
And what do we do? Throughout eons of time we reason-about aimlessly, our only concern to find something or someone to load our shit onto, to abdicate our responsibility to, to hope for salvation – from ourselves! We reason-about with fuzzy logic, to not have to see the reason for why the world is the world as we know it; for why existence exists as it does with us humans in/as it and what we have become.
The systems we exist through are complex in their interrelations, yet simplistic to see, once we will ourselves to see things for what they are and call things by their name; once we will ourselves to stand-up and face reality and take responsibility for ‘what is here’.
The ironic fact of the matter is that, logistically and technologically, we are more than able to live in equal fulfillment and abundance – without hunger, starvation, war; without a system of inequality based on ‘values’ that divide and conquer, a system based on make-belief hierarchies that feed off of life, using Money as ‘power’ as the ‘god’ that determines who lives and who dies.
We tend to blame and cuss the elite for doing what they do: ‘protecting’ their bloodlines, ‘protecting’ the continuation of ‘their reign’, of their ‘power’, of their ‘own’.
Yet everyone does it the same way: We care for and protect ‘our own’ against the world. And that is exactly what the system wants us to do, because as long as we play the game, the elite and the rings of power are ‘justified’ and able to continue doing what they’re doing while the world is crumbling.
Have a look at how we’ve placed and continue to place Blood over Water. Why? “Blood is thicker than water” is a saying of this world – used for what? To justify why we do not regard all living beings equally. To justify our fear of standing-up, our fear of the world, our fear of punishment and sanctions, our fear of being disenfranchised, ostracized, rejected and spat out.
So the system in fact gives the people no other choice but to accept this behavior as normal/ given/ logical. Because by accepting this one point and going-into and living-out this ‘protection-mode’ – we accept ourselves as inferior in the world and allow the elite to reign and conquer, based on the ‘profoundness’ of the blood that runs in their veins!
In an equal money system, a system based in the value of life as equality and actual oneness as life: all bloodlines will have equal value, as all have equal water. ‘Blood protection’ will no longer be a necessity imposed by a system that functions/manipulates through fear.
In an equal money system, all ‘goods’ and everything the earth provides will common-sensically be available and provided for ALL – equally – and no living thing will be left to suffer lack or rejection.
Water gives life.
Man takes life.
Is man then really kind?
Is man worthy of life?
Certainly not within and as the current condition of existence.
The human condition has manifested a conditioned matrix of enslavement and exploitation, where ‘profit’ is valued before life and only the ‘fit’ of the hierarchy get access to life/living – while the majority is left to struggle for survival through means of competition, rivalry, fear, greed.
We have conditioned ourselves and our world to exist in patterns of polarity wherein we exist against each-other, instead of living together, in co-existence, as Earthlings, as living beings that realize: We breathe the same air, we share common ground, we only have One Planet that gives us life. There is No Plan B.
It is sad that common sense is not enough.
It is sad that solutions are not considered before the tragedy knocks on one’s OWN door.
A film, a documentary is quickly forgotten, and such impulses often end with promises and projections of hope that do not allow for the necessary ‘anger’ of having had “enough!” to come up within a person, do not allow for the ‘shame’ and ‘regret’ we experience in the face of such knowledge, of such reality, to ring the bells of our conscious enough for us to literally stand-up and GO ABOUT practically discussing, bringing-forth, promoting and supporting solutions for this mess that we’ve accepted and given permission for to exist in this world – OUR world, of which we only have ONE.
So let us Be ONE.
Let us move practically towards Equality as the value of life, because have a look – that is what Oneness by definition implies: equality. Without equality, our oneness is that of polarity, separation, abuse; our oneness is not that of life.
Life must be brought-forth, created, supported – through an agreement of all and each single one of us as living beings, as Earthlings, as custodians of life here on Earth. Life does not yet exist – what exists is survival and a power-game we call ‘life’. But Living can be so much more!
WE are the building blocks of this world. WE are the only ones able to make a difference, make a change – if we WILL.
So – let us purify and heal the ill will of man, and will ourselves to stand-up and actually, practically, consistently and effectively support the solutions of equality, the solutions for Life, for ALL, as equals.
For the Love of Water, for the Love of Life! Investigate, get informed, expose the lies and the exploitation that is being allowed, and let’s get together in Standing-Up for Life –
for Real!
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