Sunday, November 27, 2011

F.L.O.W. For the Love Of Water – Review/Discussion

FLOW - The cases and stories portrayed in the documentary are transparent enough for anyone to see through the veils that capitalism attempts to place before reality.

The conditions and circumstances presented could be avoided, prevented, and the people affected could be cared for and provided with the living-necessities to ensure a dignified life and self-sustainability for the communities. Yes, “Could” – if for example the monstrous profits of the corporations went even to small percentage back to the people and the places they exploit in the first place.

Not that THAT would be a real, actual, viable and lasting solution – but still, it would be the least one could do to NOT have MILLIONS of people moved from their homes and lands so that dams can be built for the corporations to exploit the water for bottling and selling, without ever buying the land or owning the water or providing alternative solutions for the people they expel.

A solution in the context of BIG (Basic Income Grant) would relieve the immediate suffering and practical concerns of the poorest of the poor and would provide every single human being with the basic needs one requires to live in this world.

30,000 children die DAILY from water contamination.
At the same time, water is becoming the next oil for the egos of the elite: the ‘blue gold’. Transient goods such as water cannot be owned, they are provided by the earth for all its inhabitants and are a natural resource without which life on this planet cannot exist. This should be practical and applied COMMON SENSE. Yet it is not.

WATCH this documentary (again) and discuss it with your friends – ask yourself what it will take to stop the RINGS OF POWER CREATED through, with and around MONEY and the ELITE.

Observe how it is not that seldom that CEOs, executives and high rank members of the big corporations pull out and break with the systems once they see what they are/have been supporting through ‘playing the game’; once they can no longer sit back and watch what is going on, no longer allow this, no longer be part of the problem. So some do stand up and make the choice to become part of the solution.
Perhaps those that consider joining the movement of ‘Common People’ are not few…. We could perhaps contribute to encouraging people in ‘high places’ to do stand-up, do speak-out, to no longer allow the exploitation of life for profit!

WATCH this documentary and you will see there is only ONE solution to the whole-problem, and that is a solution that considers and regards ALL and the WHOLE planet as ONE. A solution based on the value of LIFE, a solution that will bring-forth equality of the right to life, equality in the living quality for all, and will stop all abuse, all exploitation, all separation once and for all.

This solution is the equal money system as proposed by the Desteni group – a group of people like you and me that have had enough of this world as we know it, enough of sitting back and expecting the big players to come-up with a solution that will consider what’s best for all; because they won’t. WE gotta do it for ourselves, for the COMMON sense. WE gotta do it for ALL, we gotta stand-up and find the will and the way to address the problems with actual, practical, viable solutions that are Best for All.

It will not be before 2020 that a new equality-/life-system can start being implemented through an equal money system – but until then, please make sure you support the values of life: equality and oneness and dignity for all.

BIG (the Basic Income Grant model) is one small, yet considerable step towards that direction, as through BIG we’d be able to abolish poverty from the face of the planet and that relatively quickly!
Once poverty and fear of survival no longer drive human beings, a whole new world is opening up and people can be educated with practical common sense, self-responsibility and political ways of self-empowerment. The BIG pilot project in Namibia proves this. The story of the Indian village shown in the documentary FLOW proves this.

 Water is Equality.

The situation of the world and especially the latest developments with the monopoly on water shows that love does not exist; because the human psyche/ the human nature /the human consciousness does not allow LIFE to FLOW to ALL EQUALLY.

Instead of GIVING LIFE so that all may HAVE/BE/LIVE Life – the human condition tends to try and OWN and possess ‘life’. This behavior not only disgraces the human, it also perpetuates the system and feeds the constructs of greed, self-interest, exploitation, abuse.

In this world that we’ve manifested: 
Money doesn’t flow, Food doesn’t flow, Water doesn’t flow to ALL. 
And the reason is the ill will of Man(that is not)Kind. 

And what do we do? Throughout eons of time we reason-about aimlessly, our only concern to find something or someone to load our shit onto, to abdicate our responsibility to, to hope for salvation – from ourselves! We reason-about with fuzzy logic, to not have to see the reason for why the world is the world as we know it; for why existence exists as it does with us humans in/as it and what we have become.

The systems we exist through are complex in their interrelations, yet simplistic to see, once we will ourselves to see things for what they are and call things by their name; once we will ourselves to stand-up and face reality and take responsibility for ‘what is here’.

The ironic fact of the matter is that, logistically and technologically, we are more than able to live in equal fulfillment and abundance – without hunger, starvation, war; without a system of inequality based on ‘values’ that divide and conquer, a system based on make-belief hierarchies that feed off of life, using Money as ‘power’ as the ‘god’ that determines who lives and who dies.

We tend to blame and cuss the elite for doing what they do: ‘protecting’ their bloodlines, ‘protecting’ the continuation of ‘their reign’, of their ‘power’, of their ‘own’.
Yet everyone does it the same way: We care for and protect ‘our own’ against the world. And that is exactly what the system wants us to do, because as long as we play the game, the elite and the rings of power are ‘justified’ and able to continue doing what they’re doing while the world is crumbling.

Have a look at how we’ve placed and continue to place Blood over Water. Why? “Blood is thicker than water” is a saying of this world – used for what? To justify why we do not regard all living beings equally. To justify our fear of standing-up, our fear of the world, our fear of punishment and sanctions, our fear of being disenfranchised, ostracized, rejected and spat out.

So the system in fact gives the people no other choice but to accept this behavior as normal/ given/ logical. Because by accepting this one point and going-into and living-out this ‘protection-mode’ – we accept ourselves as inferior in the world and allow the elite to reign and conquer, based on the ‘profoundness’ of the blood that runs in their veins!

In an equal money system, a system based in the value of life as equality and actual oneness as life: all bloodlines will have equal value, as all have equal water. ‘Blood protection’ will no longer be a necessity imposed by a system that functions/manipulates through fear.
In an equal money system, all ‘goods’ and everything the earth provides will common-sensically be available and provided for ALL – equally – and no living thing will be left to suffer lack or rejection.

Water gives life.
Man takes life.
Is man then really kind?
Is man worthy of life?

Certainly not within and as the current condition of existence.
The human condition has manifested a conditioned matrix of enslavement and exploitation, where ‘profit’ is valued before life and only the ‘fit’ of the hierarchy get access to life/living – while the majority is left to struggle for survival through means of competition, rivalry, fear, greed.

We have conditioned ourselves and our world to exist in patterns of polarity wherein we exist against each-other, instead of living together, in co-existence, as Earthlings, as living beings that realize: We breathe the same air, we share common ground, we only have One Planet that gives us life. There is No Plan B.

It is sad that common sense is not enough.
It is sad that solutions are not considered before the tragedy knocks on one’s OWN door.

A film, a documentary is quickly forgotten, and such impulses often end with promises and projections of hope that do not allow for the necessary ‘anger’ of having had “enough!” to come up within a person, do not allow for the ‘shame’ and ‘regret’ we experience in the face of such knowledge, of such reality, to ring the bells of our conscious enough for us to literally stand-up and GO ABOUT practically discussing, bringing-forth, promoting and supporting solutions for this mess that we’ve accepted and given permission for to exist in this world – OUR world, of which we only have ONE.

So let us Be ONE.

Let us move practically towards Equality as the value of life, because have a look – that is what Oneness by definition implies: equality. Without equality, our oneness is that of polarity, separation, abuse; our oneness is not that of life.

Life must be brought-forth, created, supported – through an agreement of all and each single one of us as living beings, as Earthlings, as custodians of life here on Earth. Life does not yet exist – what exists is survival and a power-game we call ‘life’. But Living can be so much more!

WE are the building blocks of this world. WE are the only ones able to make a difference, make a change – if we WILL.

So – let us purify and heal the ill will of man, and will ourselves to stand-up and actually, practically, consistently and effectively support the solutions of equality, the solutions for Life, for ALL, as equals.

For the Love of Water, for the Love of Life! Investigate, get informed, expose the lies and the exploitation that is being allowed, and let’s get together in Standing-Up for Life – 
for Real!

Monday, November 21, 2011

When things suddenly CHANGE VALUE | The most Valuable ‘Product’ in an EQUALITY System: A New Paradigm

Why CHANGE, and why VALUE?
In the world as we know it that has emerged from the money-system and its evolution, VALUE is placed not in life, but in profit – as can be seen everywhere in the paradigm of consumerism and planned obsolescence.

Consequently, ‘educated’ through the current accepted world system people learn to place VALUE in that which will preserve ‘my own’ – be it possessions, family, nation, race, belief-system, ideology, religion, political party or any construct of ‘survival’ in this world.
And regardless of what ‘values’ a group/grouping is committed to and follows – whether left wing or right wing, ‘light’ or ‘dark’ or middle road – it all comes down to self-interested, separatist ideas conceived to preserve a group/grouping against the rest.

We kill in the name of our ‘values’ – the ‘values’ we’ve been indoctrinated with – while we disregard the real actual value that we all have in common and that enables us to be here and breathe in the first place: Life.
Self-preservation, self-interest, self-image: the price to pay is no less than life itself. What we call ‘life’ is in fact a slow death, murder, suicide. We compromise the life that we are for ideas of grandeur, specialness, ‘value’, while we in fact de-value and degrade life – ourselves, the planet.
In a world where money buys ‘life’, we pay with our lives for something that is not even worth living, while half the world is even left to suffer and starve so that a select few can have that which is deemed as ‘valuable’.

“Thou shalt not worship false idols ... Thou shalt have no other gods before me” – Yet this is exactly what we are doing within and through this world system we have accepted and continue to allow as if there is no other way. Our false idols and fake gods are many: power, status, image, dominion, supremacy, fame, fortune – all of it boiling down to one thing, one ‘ring of power’ that enslaves all: MONEY.

The real ‘god’ is patient: Life moves on, breath by breath, and confronts us individually and collectively with who/what we have become and the things we are accepting, allowing and giving permission for to exist in the world as we know it. Life has only one principle, one command, one question: Who are you in the face of life? Who are you in the face of it all, in the context of everything that exists? Do you worship ideas, projections, illusions – or do you value and regard life as all as one as equal?

In an equal money system, LIFE will be the only value – the ‘highest’ value, yet common to all living things. Equality is the transcendence of separation and the way to real Oneness.

In an equal money system, money will not exist; Only life will exist. And Life will determine the way of life – not money. We may utilize ‘tools’ to express and apply and distribute our equality as the abundance of life – but the CONsumerism CULTure of isms and schisms will be no more.

Life as the highest value implies that all life will always have the best of everything available and provided – anything that is of support in terms of self-expression, self-discovery, self-growth. Exploration of life, communication, freedom: that is the real pursuit of happiness. No price tag, no strings attached.

Everything that the planet provides is given to all and must be applied and utilized in ways that best serve all, and the planet as a whole. The sun shines equally for all. Why then is the son of the sun so petty?!

It is time to re-evaluate and re-form the accepted value-system which we allow to determine life based on the money that has become god, deciding who lives and who dies!
It is time to self realize life as oneness in equality – and acknowledge in every living being the value of life equally!

An equal money system is a holistic approach to reality, and this time in the history of mankind it will no longer be a philosophical or metaphysical approach, but a pragmatic practical  approach that considers and regards all things of the earth, all things of life, including the human – each one. 
A new paradigm wherein the human will truly, finally, self realize life as oneness and equality and thus take responsibility for life as the highest value.

Given the evolution of the human consciousness, one would have expected that we become Custodians on Earth and take care of ourselves and each-other, the plants and the animals kingdom in a way that is best for al. Yet we have allowed fake ‘gods’ and ‘values’ to keep us divided and separated from life. And while we pursue delusions of grandeur and supremacy, we are in fact inferior in the face of it all. Deep down inside we exist in fear – fear of each-other, fear of ourselves, fear of life, fear of living fully and giving our all.
It is time to re-consider what life/living can be! It is time to consider the value of equality in all practical matters of humanity – because (and isn’t it ironic...) equality is in fact the way to freedom, the way to real value as life, the way to life itself as who we all really are.

In an equal money system – which could all the same be called Equal Value system – we can bring forth a new way of life, where life is valued in all practical ways of co-existence. We can live together, not against each-other, and base our existence on real, actual value – the value of life.
The value of life is life.
And in this, all things of the earth breathing the same air and containing the same water: are equal. No more blood over water; no more profit over life; no more fear over love.

An equal money system will assist and support Man to be Kind – in fact! – so that earth can be saved and the desteni of mankind transformed through actual self-will and directive principle, truly in the image and likeness of ‘god’. And as we stand-up and prove our worthiness in life through standing as equals of life and acting in the best interest of ALL, respecting the real value that is life and which we all have in common: the ‘real god’ will be pleased and all things will be peaceful; and life will be born and living will be love made visible.

Because the most valuable ‘product’ in a system of equality that is based on the value of life: will be LIFE itself.
And thus only life will profit: the animal kingdom, the plants, the waters and the air that we breathe; each Self as life as Equals, and All together as the planet as One.
A Win-Win ‘scenario’ with the best quality of life for all life.

Investigate the equal money system as proposed by desteni – a group of people standing-up for life in oneness and equality in all practical ways matters of existence. The Future of Money 2020 is the end of slavery, the end of separation, the end of exploitation, the end of all abuse.
Get informed, and get involved: be One vote for LIFE in time to come – Start here and now, Get-up, Stand-up.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What will MOTIVATE a person in an EQUALITY system?

What will MOTIVATE a person in an EQUALITY system?
While we have been conditioned to be motivated through Reward and Punishment in the current capitalist system, a new system of equality based on the value of life will assist and support the human being in discovering SELF-MOTIVATION.

This will be a process that will emerge from the point of letting go of fear of survival, letting go of competition and spitefulness, and instead focusing on LIFE, on self-exploration, self-expression and the discovery of our real interests, talents and abilities. This will bring forth the incentive of self-mastery, a process of growth towards ‘excellence’, because everybody will have in fact equal opportunities in life and for the first time in the history of mankind we will have the actual CHOICE to be and become our own ‘dreams and desires’.

There seems to be a ‘fear’ related to ‘laziness’ that people utilize to argue against an equal money system, saying that people are too lazy to ‘do the work’ without the incentive of money, reward and power. This however can only stem from the fear of not having the slaves doing the work for you – because obviously an equal money system will mean the end of all slavery and the removal of hierarchy, thus the removal of the ability to exploit and abuse life for one’s own self-enlightened interests!

Laziness is a by-product of capitalism – a by-product of our bipolar education-system where one is either rewarded or punished, and driven to compete against each-other because we have allowed a world system where only the ‘fittest survive’. A system so cruel, that it drives many young people to giving-up and withdrawing from the world – a reaction that often escalates into aggression or depression (the latter being a form of what we call ‘laziness’).

Let’s look at how ‘Laziness’ is linked to the current accepted system.
‘Laziness’ is in a way the opposite polarity of ‘motivation’ in this system. The people that do not necessarily ‘buy into’ the rewards and punishments that are meant to drive us and motivate us – end up being aggressive or depressive, both often associated with ‘laziness’.

But those that are 'lazy' are not born ‘lazy’. Rather, ‘laziness’ is a form of reaction, a rather passive one, in the context of a system that offers no ground, no room for unconditional Self-Expression whatsoever.
And if no personal solution is found to transcend one’s reactions and resistances towards the system, the ‘lazy person’ will become that ‘laziness’ with rather uncool consequences, as in most cases there is a form of ‘depression’ and/or ‘aggression’ underneath the ‘laziness’ that is seen on the surface.

In an system of equality and life support, ‘lazy people’ will, with time, start recognizing that those around them are actually having fun and that there are in-fact ways and opportunities to do what one enjoy.
When life and the basic needs of Everyone are unconditionally taken care of, when the system no longer manipulates with ‘reward & punishment’, people will start to let go of fear, let go of resistances, and start exploring life and discovering within themselves ‘who they are’ and what they really enjoy. I am certain that no-one is ‘too lazy’ to live self-expression, because that is simply You living and expressing You.

When the suppressed ‘blame’ and ‘judgment’ or ‘apathy’ and ‘depression’ that are linked to ‘laziness’ are no-more – as there will be no abuse system to react to – people will more and more realize that there’s nothing to ‘fight’ against, there’s no-one judging and no-one punishing them – and thus they will ‘get out of bed’ simply to Live and have Fun.
When Life is realized and supported and fear/anxiety is slowly but surely recognized as an unnecessary habit, inner changes take place that allow the individual to breathe and ground themselves, trust themselves and get to the joy of Self-Exploration and Self-Expression.

A point directly related to ‘motivation’ is the point of Responsibility:

‘Laziness’ often ‘develops’ when our ‘loving’ parents insist on doing everything FOR us. That may be ‘practical’ for a moment, but in the long run, this gives us the impression that we’re ‘unable’ to stand on our own two feet or even that we are ‘not worthy’ of ourselves, ‘not worthy’ of life.
This belief results to an accepted yet denied self-definition as ‘unworthy’, whereby ‘laziness’ is a way of ‘depression’, a way of ‘giving-up’, a way of saying “fuck you, I ‘m not gonna lick your ass” because  “I don’t wanna be a puppet on strings”.

Sooner or later every child faces the world, the system, and is then suddenly ‘asked’ to do things, ‘find a job’, ‘earn money’ and the whole story. Obviously most people experience resistances towards doing what is ‘normal’ in the System, because in the current accepted system that is based on profit instead of life, work implies in fact enslavement!
An example: Often you’ll find that the  Children of ‘rich’ or ‘loving’ parents will want to become ‘artists’, in an attempt to find and determine their own Expression, their own Worth, their own meaning of life.
In this current System however, artists too are forced to subscribe to greed and ‘licking asses’ for profit. They will accept the money-system as it is just to be able to survive. ‘Art’ has become a tool of  this System of consumerism – it ‘wants your soul’ and it will ‘pay for it’.
This ‘inevitability’ breaks the individual’s self-determination and messes with one’s self-worth as expression of life, as one suddenly finds oneself having one’s ‘worth’ determined by so-called ‘experts’ – and thus self-worth cannot be sustained in the current system without a price to pay.

This is unacceptable: it implies that Freedom of Expression and Uniqueness of Being is not equally recognized and honoured as Life.

Coming back to the point of Responsibility, what can be seen in common sense is that Responsibility in fact brings personal freedom. But in this current world system, due to the way the Systems works (family, school, jobs, money etc.), ‘responsibility’ has become something that is feared, denied, disregarded.
What is often not seen is that in this current system we are robbed of our self-responsibility – it is taken away from us BY the Systems and replaced with something that you ‘have to do’ because apparently you have no-choice, otherwise you just won’t make it in this world; And this threat, this manipulation is then called ‘responsibility’.

SELF-Responsibility is actually the point where one is in fact Moving Oneself to grow, to expand, to do what one Really wants to do, what one enjoys, what one is equal to and one with as an Expression of oneself. Within such self-movement, one is able to live Self-Acceptance, Self-Worth, Self-Enjoyment – unconditionally! – simply because ‘I am Here’, this is who I am, I express.
This self-movement entails SELF-MOTIVATION – as one does not require a carrot on a stick to drive, persuade or lure one into doing/being something that will apparently give one ‘worth’, ‘value’, or ‘earn’ the respect of one’s world.

An Equal Money System will support LIFE; it will support SELF-Worth, because it will support self-empowerment and self-responsibility, and within this: actual Freedom of Expression and Self-Determination are made possible within the context of interconnectedness as Life in Equality and Oneness. A new equality system based on the value of life will support Self-Motivation because it will equally recognize the Uniqueness of each Individual as a Living-Expression.

Self-Motivation is thus a point of Self-Responsibility.
The symptom of ‘laziness’ as we know it in the current world system is in-fact stemming from lack of responsibility.
Within this, the ‘judgment’ that is often addressed to ‘lazy people’/‘laziness’ is only making things worse, because it is not addressing the root of the problem – which is the accepted system and the fact that the systems of the world (as family, school, job-market etc.) take-away the Individual’s Self-Responsibility and replace it with the ‘Rules of the Game’, whereby if one doesn’t participate, one is ‘cut-out’ and will have to struggle to survive, without any support from the system.

Self-Responsibility on the other hand is a self-empowering expression that implies Self-Worth and Self-Trust. These are ‘Living-Values’ that are deliberately mutilated within the current system of abuse, exploitation and ‘survival of the fittest’, to take the power away from the people, away from self/the individual, and place it in the hands of this system of profit, greed, and the ‘survival of the fittest’ – which is in this current system only those with MONEY.

In an Equality-System – MONEY as we know it will not exist. We will have equal chances, equal opportunities, thus the opportunity to an equally fulfilled and abundant life with equal power. 
Constructs such as ‘working for survival’, ‘becoming what is expected from you’, ‘pleasing to be accepted’, ‘needing to be valued’ – will vanish. An Equality-System will provide the structural support and the foundation for each-one to be able to explore and discover Self as Life and thus as Equal in Value and Worth. We will inevitably learn what Self-Responsibility really entails and with that actual Self-Trust and Self-Enjoyment will unfold.
From this will be born the motivation to live and express as well as to contribute to the world through who one really is and what one really enjoys doing – because that which we enjoy doing, we do well!

In a world where work is not enforced under the threat of ‘life and death’, in a system where working or not-working is not connected to reward or punishment: 
Work will be love made visible, as we will literally be giving ourselves to ourselves, giving life to life, birthing a new world and discovering what it means to Live. The pleasure and the fun that will emerge from such freedom of movement and expression will be incentive enough for anyone to live and express: and thus to contribute to society as a whole in the best possible way.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Opening the Door to Real Freedom | New Paradigm for Humanity

This is a great practical example of LIFE & LIVING in an Equal Money System.
It is also a fascinating example of approaching questions through the unfolding of practical common sense as best for all and moving beyond the boundaries of the current consciousness/ system. The questions were answered by Esteni De Wet on one of the Forums
See how our thinking is conditioned to remain within the bounds of confinement as we've accepted it in this world system - and witness how from one singular point, Esteni opens a door to freedom and self-expansion, as she presents at the same time a new paradigm for a new world based on the value of life:

question - are you allowed to accumulate those things you have bought with the set amount of money the state allocates you ?
You can accumulate things – However if your behaviour is obsessive compulsive and personal self interest trumpets what is best for all, it will be seen that you have a disorder and psychological training will be required to address the disorder.
For instance, let's imagine I own an old portable radio that I listen to all the time, but it burns through batteries pretty quickly, Having antiques, using antiques will be a personal interest / hobby that you can pursue. And when specific models / batteries are discontinued and this is an interest that you have you would be able to take responsibility for the discontinuation of that particular line, thus enabling you access to the specific interest that you have.

would I be allowed to buy batteries?
In an Equal Money System – you will not be buying anything. You are assigned credits in order to gain access to the resources that you require. The easiest way of looking at this principle is using an example:
Imagine you live in a very big family – Lets say 20 people – All your food is always provided for (you or them are purchasing the required goods) – you have a place to live – your basic needs are met. Then you have a specific interest developing that you would like to pursue – You discuss this with your family and the family makes provision so that you are able to pursue this interest – The family measures your request to see whether it is what is best for all and making sure that the interest is clear as a self directive interest to pursue.
Now – using this example we can see that there is no buying and selling, lending and owing. There is a need – The need is met. 
It must be clearly understood here though that personal responsibility plays a big role here. If you have an interest – You are taking responsibility for the entirety of that interest – By taking full responsibility for the entirety of an interest one will soon learn that with desire comes the responsibility of that desire – Thus – it is not just about taking (the personal self interest) – It is about taking responsibility for that self interest.

...with my money and then store them in my home in large numbers (let's imagine the reason I would want to store them is that it is an old technology and batteries of the right size are becoming increasingly rare).
You will be able to store items.

So would I be allowed to have a cellar full of these hard to find batteries ?
The part that must be understood here is that if this hobby takes preference over that group, you become obsessive and your decisions are influenced by this obsession – It will be clear that it is not what is best for all.
Remember – In a world where we are giving to each other that which we require – the latest technology will be at the disposal of all – Thus holding onto old technology such as the radio is a personal preference which may or may not be supported by the group – depending on the availability and sustainability. That said – You may even as a hobby – develop your own batteries that make this older technology function. 

If I am allow to keep hold of and store the things I bought, would I then be able to freely swap and trade these batteries with other radio enthusiasts, perhaps in exchange for someone's homegrown tomatoes or a nice portrait of my son or a haircut ?
We do not trade in an equal money system. We give or we do not give. Giving and not giving is determined by the equality equation. Using the same example above.
All your needs are met in this family – So lets make this example a bit bigger now – The family is now the entire world’s population. You live in one particular town and you know a lady who does hair cuts. She does this because she loves cutting hair – it is what she has decided to place her focus on – this is her passion. So – you go to her and ask for a hair cut – As this is her passion – she gives this to you.
Your passion is old technology and as such you are a collector of old technology – But not just that you make it accessible to those that also have a passion for old technology. As this is your passion – you are always interested in finding ways to make old technology practical and accessible to others.

And if this free exchange is allowed - could this exchange be deferred - by that I mean let' say my radio enthusiast friend needs a couple of my hypothetically-hard-to-find-batteries for his lovely old 1962 radio and normally in exchange he cuts my hair - but at the time I give him the batteries I don't need a haircut - could the haircut be deferred in the following manner . . .
1) I give him the batteries.
2) He gives me a promissory note that reads: "I owe Lee one hair cut for those batteries he gave me"
3) When I need to get my hair cut I simply phone up my friend - arrange when it's easy for him to do my hair - and hand him the note on the day.
No – This is called bartering. You still end up in a system where people owe things to one another – This is the system that got us into the shit in the first place. There are two essential key factors in the Equal Money System – Giving and Taking Responsibility for that which has been given to you.

Is there anything in that arrangement that would fall foul of the EMS ?
And one further corollary question . . . . imagine one day I notice in the mirror how handsome I look with long straggly hair (yes ladies, you know the look :D ) - and so decide I am not in need of a haircut - so have no need to trade in my promissory note for a hair cut with my friend - would I be able to trade the promissory note with someone else for something else (if my friend who does the hair cuts is cool with it being passed on)?
Already answered.

In this context, here follows a further perspective by Marlen Vargas Del Razo:

It’s similar to a point wherein someone asked me (through a YouTube comment in one of the Equal Money System videos) about being able to get/ own/ have 5 cars wherein I pointed out that we can only drive one car at a time therefore creating an evidence on how the accumulation of cars have become a ‘symbol of power’ in society – this single idea of ‘having up to 5 cars’ comes from the capitalist brainwashing that is extensively promoted and nowadays propagated through the ‘rich and famous’ that accumulate all types of rarities and cars and houses that can only exist if there is enough slaves they can pay for to keep everything in place and functioning.

So, it will be interesting to see how the usual consumerist quirks that have been adopted as part of ‘our preferences’ are debunked once we realize that we didn’t actually NEED the item, but indulged into the accumulation, variety or worth-placed on such item/product/object as a mental value system which we’ve embedded to virtually everything – even sometimes to people – in separation of ourselves. That’s the infamous monetizing of reality wherein if we look in common sense, having 5 cars for a single person is a plain act of excess – yet I know people that do own such amount of cars and have made of cars ‘their passion’ but such ‘passion’ can only exist as long as they are able to profit such amounts of money to keep their hobby in place. Someone that is barely making money for a living won’t think of getting more than 1 car and only if that’s utterly necessary and doesn’t affect the rest of their most immediate needs to cover.

The point of ‘meeting your needs’ is actually very cool to emphasize because within that, we’ll be able to draw the line to see how much do we buy out of sheer ‘compulsion’ or actual necessity. This is one of the points that I’ve placed in action within walking this process wherein I’ve simplified my expenses as I have simplified my ‘lifestyle’ to begin with. All forms of personality build-ups require money, all addictions and any other ‘entertainment’ that I might seldom indulge in whereas others ‘need to have it’ every single weekend or so – all eventually money related just as anything else in this reality. And the point to look at is what’s behind it all. I went to buy fruit, people were watching a soccer match in the store, people go to the store to buy beer because ‘there is a soccer match’. So even if it seems as some type of ‘healthy entertainment’, the single ‘enjoyment’ of such match is mostly inherently related to alcohol consumption, buying  of food or certain junk food I mean, there are many products associated with one single point of entertainment such as watching a soccer game on a saturday night, probably more than what we can even consider. That is not an actual ‘need’ but part of the accepted entertainment that is just as anything currently profit driven and sold well as people ‘need to get distracted’ after spending an entire week ‘making a living’. So it all compensates itself when the money they earn is spent on such pleasures wherein it all goes back to the same ‘masters’ that plan this entire system to work to the T for their own benefit. This is HOW we are responsible for ‘corporate greed’ as well.

What we will face eventually as we go into a transitional phase is the re-assessment of ‘what we are built of’ – what do we buy, why do we buy it, what value/worth is such product adding up to ‘who I am’ – does buying/owning such thing define me in any way? Can I live without it? These are literal questions that I’ve asked myself whenever finding something and going into the compulsory state of ‘wanting to buy it’ – I tend to accumulate stuff and I realize this is out of fear – or creating a ‘stock’ which I call ‘being prepared/cautious’ – sometimes it is so I don’t have to go buying milk all the time and sometimes it’s out of creating a sense of security around having more than 2 items of the basic meals I usually eat. Now this is only talking about basic-needs like food. If we go into all the items we buy for our pleasure/entertainment or sheer compulsive shopping-treats we’ll get to face the reality of the worth/value as the why we buy what we buy and how we’ve defined ourselves accordingly.

Possessing creates a form of security in our current system. We can hear how people are gleeful whenever they manage to ‘finally own their house’ – if they ever get to do so. So far it’s been quite a long time since I’ve heard people getting to own their house nowadays unless it was inherited or bought in the ‘old bonanza days’ in this world. I also got to know brutal stories of people losing their homes to banks after great devaluations took place in this country in 1994 after having their mortgage doubled up from overnight. Insane, and such person that was my mother’s best friend eventually got cancer and died, consumed by the constant worry about their elusive debt that grew exponentially fast.

So, possessing a house, a car or anything won’t mean ‘securing your life’ as your life will simply be able to be granted with a house to live in, a car if you need it and virtually ending this constant worry about ‘finally owning something’ for the sake of being able to sleep at ease at night.

Clarifying the bartering point is also cool as we can see how it is within the ‘I.O.U’s that money came to be within generating these relationships of give/take that weren’t unconditional. Eventually in bartering someone will decide that a kilo of potatoes ‘deserves’ two kilos of bananas for whatever reasons they might give and within that, creating further inequality between products which is an equivalent of profit making in the long wrong = inequality; whereas if everything is worked for to be produced and placed as equally available, we’ll dissolve such current differences that are outflows of speculation that comes from the ‘claws’ of the system that decide on the worth of certain foods in the ‘food market’ for the sake of creating some profit for them.

A basic example here is how avocados went up in price here in a crazy manner like never before and they explained me how it was because ‘the cream of the crop’ of avocados was sent out to the US and there were barely non ‘good stuff’ left here, so due to the infamous offer-demand law, the demand was such that couldn’t be fulfilled hence prices went up to the point wherein I would pay for one single avocado what could’ve been good for 3-4 avocados before. YET common sense is that there is a monopoly behind this that has made of ‘avocados’ a product of desire to be fulfilled in a certain way that the rest of the markets are absorbed to fulfill such need. As a parallel point, someone that owns an avocado tree in their parcel won’t experience any ‘change’ in the growth of avocados and, as a result of them being out of the market-circuit, they’ll simply have no correlation to the current rising up of avocados in prices in our usual markets – the tree is the tree and it ‘knows’ no economics which is an equivalent of fancy laws that are created to benefit only a few.

As a final example someone asked the other day in one of my videos on how things would be given – meaning if there was John and Paul wanting to have a car yet John didn’t work at all and remained under an apple tree all day while Paul worked all day, how would ‘that’ be equal? Yet the basic point that I asked is why would John want a car if he was planning to remain under an apple tree all day? These type of questions mostly reveal to what extent we are not willing to give to another what we want for ourselves, and how even if John decides to stay underneath the tree, if he requires a car and has been a human being that’s worked for the system and shows no other signs of greed, then cool for him getting a car, why not?

Working won’t be ‘our key to the world’ anymore in the sense of only being able to have access to our basic requirements if we have a job and If we have enough money to meet our needs. Within this, work will also become part of our expression and process of discovery of what the human being will be able to be/become once there is no worry to have food on the table or a place to stay in the next day.

By living in a world where giving and taking in equality is available for all, the inherent greed that comes through fear of loss will cease to exist as no ‘scarcity’ will be in place – we know how scarcity is part of the tactics to promote compulsive acquisition of goods as there is an ‘impending fear’ of such item/product not being there anymore next time or ‘going extinct’ or rising up in price for whatever reason those that ‘name-the-game’ would decide for. This is hooked then with trends and any seasonal human quirks such as Christmas time when everybody is out there shopping their pockets till they’re dry.

Lol how can we take anything as ‘true value’ in this current system if we’ve monetized all, even ‘love’ or ‘happiness’ or whatever anyone would consider to be ‘out of the loop’ from such value system.

Everything has been ‘tainted’ within this current system and, because it’s our creation, we’ve got to take self responsibility for it. We cannot possibly continue wanting to ‘own the world’ for the sake of feeling superior, feeling more, feeling ‘valued’, feeling ‘loved’ even – there is a LOT that we’ve created as an idea of ourselves disregarding the very physicality that has tolerated our mental bs value systems for so long now.

We’ve got to stop within ourselves, we’ve got to realize that a simplification of our own lives is required to then be aware of what will actually entail to take self responsibility for our very basic needs and services to be met/fulfilled once that there are no more ‘slaves’ to pay for to do the work for us, once that we are not able to ‘own’ for the sake of creating a certain profile within the credit-system required to be able to obtain ‘more’ as such surplus of money was only debt anyways. Within this, all egos will eventually be deflated like balloons that lose their hot air – which is money as it currently exists. This is part of what we’ve realized and shared here as part of our process in seeing how money affects ‘who we are’ and how we experience ourselves differently when ‘we have more than enough’, when ‘we don’t have any’ or ‘when we are on the verge of losing it all’ – and many other interim states of course.

So – money as the added power on the human will cease to exist and this giving and taking will remain as the exchange that we have as our physical breathing- in-out/ giving and taking without being able to ‘accumulate breaths for the sake of living more’ or out of ‘fear of survival’ lol – if we take the basic principle of breathing as ‘Life’ as I am Here, we’ll be able to understand how any form of ‘power’ beyond each breath is a delusion that has only filled some greedy men’s pockets and how giving and taking should be as fearless and as ‘natural’ as breathing.

Lots of changes ahead for us, glad to have it this way because we cannot possibly continue as we currently are now. 

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