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"Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it" - A. Einstein |
I just watched the documentary Burzynski - Cancer Is Serious Business (BurzynskiMovie.com). You can watch it on Youtube.
The documentary shows a clear case of ‘legal deception’. Corporate theft, infringement and fraud of the finest, reveal in this documentary what we already know about the money-system and the ‘big brothers’ of corporations, pharmaceutical industries, law firms, patent agencies, federal associations etc, the existence of which is supposed to ensure the rights and safety of the people and to see to it that the quality of life and the living standard is not compromised through corruption. Well, you guessed it: exactly the opposite is the fact.
The ‘big brothers’ have the audacity to utilize ‘legal means’ to do illegal business, doing everything in their power to shut down progressive individuals like Dr. Burzynski, especially if they are coming up with break-through solutions and good news in scientific research and cure.
If the corporations spent 50 Million and more to criminalize a doctor who has all the evidence of clear and transparent work and results without side effects, imagine how much bigger the ‘loss’ they are trying to prevent: a loss that would occur once most of the chemotherapy and radiation treatments that are currently used in the treatment of cancer are rendered useless (let alone the fact that such medication is carcinogenic itself), while a new biological therapy as discovered and developed by Dr. Burzynski is not only showing wide range results but is also completely side-effect free!
But see – money is the god of this system, and money dictates not only life and death of the ‘little people’ like you and me, it also dictates what research is done, where and how, as well as what research is prevented from being done especially if it appears promising in the healing of diseases that have thus far brought major income to the pharmaceutical corporations and the ‘big brothers’ behind it.
The trials before several grand juries shown in the document are astounding, and with time, Dr. Burzynski was not only supported by the families of his patients but also members of the grand jury that couldn’t believe that despite the verdicts finding Dr. Burzynski innocent, the FDA et al did not stop trying to persecute him until Burzynski’s research was stolen and his (already patented!) discoveries related to the antineoplastons treatment he developed were patented by ‘others’. The only reference made to Dr. Burzynski was merely his initials.
Watch the written exchange between Dr. Burzynski and Michael Friedman as shown in the documentary. Watch the respect and clarity Dr. Burzynski demonstrates despite of it all. Watch Mr Friedman literally ‘ascend’ to the tops of the FDA and further...
This case is so clear that one has to wonder!
We are being lied to in the face. We have been robbed of all dignity and respect as human beings, life has been devaluated to the utmost extent, all in the name of money – and where ‘two or more in my name’ get together, money does the talking, and you can follow it down the rabbit hole and see how it’s always been just one basic strategy applied by the ‘big ones’ to maintain power and exploit the rest of the world’s population and the earth itself: ‘divide and conquer’.
Divide and Conquer –
this is the law of polarity, and then, because polarity-systems require the friction between the poles to be maintained, the current money-system was established in a way that gives the impression of ‘balancing out’ the problems of the world, the problems of this fraudulent socio-economic system that has no other purpose but to deceive and exploit those who have no ‘power’ because they have no money, because they're not ‘blue-blooded’, they have no name, no status, no backbone in the history of man’s dominion over the kingdom of earth.
And while inflation, austerity measures and ‘solution packages’ are being paraded around as if they could ever bring forth actual Balance in a system that is dependent on ‘balances’ and ‘imbalances’ for the show to go on – there IS in fact ANOTHER WAY, a way to establish real balance as equilibrium on earth for ALL.
There is a way to stop the exploitation of life, there is a way to re-define money into something that is a tool for equal support for every living being, there is a way to ensure transparency and equal participation of all life in a new system that places LIFE as the highest value.
In an equal money system, where money is defined and handled-with on the basis of the value of life (and this means: in a way that all living beings are equally supported within the system and each one factually have equal opportunities and chances in life regardless of nation, race, gender etc.), there will be no more fraud, no more corruption, no more exploitation, no more deception, no more profit-making at the cost of life.
And finally each and every single human will be free to pursue their skills, talents and abilities and what they enjoy doing – without the control imposed through money like in the current system.
Our whole science and scientific research will have to be re-evaluated and re-tested, because much of (if not the entire spectrum of) the published results have always been guided and controlled through the power-holding ‘big brothers’ of mankind and directed toward profit only – instead of science and research supporting life and the quality of life/living for ALL beings on Earth.
Within an equal money system, science and research will function on an open source basis and will be open to everyone. Open research, open practice, open results.
No more will science take place in secrecy, no more will it serve profit and self-interest, no more will innocent people have to risk their lives as inferior guinea pigs in the hope for cure.
Science must be that which works on expanding our understanding of life as ourselves and enhancing the quality of life as coexistence.
As such, science must always function based on cross-reference and thus cooperation and interdisciplinary communication.
Science and research must always be made public, equally available to all – you never know who will come up with the question or idea or observation that will open up the next step, the next phase of research in a certain area. Research, methodology and results must always be made available to all – that is how we will ensure an organic development of life on planet earth and real education for human beings.
When competition and rivalry, fear and greed, are no longer the incentives for scientific research, man can finally stop being ‘evil’ and start actually serving life.
An equal money system is a system of actual life-support. We have allowed a system to govern humanity that has been feeding off of life, instead of nurturing life as the most sacred value we share.
Having arrived at this point of time and space as humanity, we can all see and agree that a new system is required – a system that will finally place LIFE as the highest value; LIFE as our common sense, our common interest, on common ground.
We only have one PLANet – there is no plan B.
The documentary Burzynski - Cancer Is Serious Business also clearly shows that it is not the system alone that is to blame. The system consists of and exists as the sum of individuals and the relationships between and amongst individuals. Decisions are made by people, and we can see in the documentary that not everyone is corrupt. And yet the corporations and ‘big brothers’ have managed to sneak around valid decisions, made for example by a grand jury or a judge in court, and with the power of money and VIPs they bend the rules to their liking.
The plethora and complexity of rules and laws of the current system make it complicated and easy to abuse. This should no longer be the case in an equal money system. We as humanity are able to make new agreements as to how we want to live and manage ourselves – and the simplest our ‘laws’ are, the easiest for all.
There is in fact only One Law that requires to be established, honoured, applied: that is the Law of Life as the highest good, the most sacred value that we all share in the Oneness of our reality on Earth. ONE law to be applied to all and everything equally: the LAW of LIFE. Within this, all living things are Equal.
Oneness by definition implies Equality. Without equality, our oneness will always be a prison of abuse, secrecy, deception, exploitation.
Within an equal money system we can finally put an end to the mind-control that is being indoctrinated upon us through all our systems (schools, education, media, sciences, corporations) and get to really learn from the history of mankind and stop making the same mistakes. It is time we get to know how we function as human minds; to finally start educating ourselves in self-responsibility, and put an end to the bipolar control-system of ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ that drives our psyche and controls our decisions, actions and inaction.
When everything is available always and equally to all, the triggers of CONsumerism and greed will no longer be pillars of survival and thus it will become possible that we stop consuming this earth, stop consuming each-other, stop consuming ourselves.
Let's finally take life in our hands... and drive ourselves as this world to freedom, dignity, and respect for Life. After all, it is about self-respect; a quality certainly lacking wherever money as profit is placed before life.
It is time to stop. And re-evaluate our existence, within and without.
As seen in the documentary, people are getting together, and the tolerance for abuse, deception and exploitation is reaching its limits. This is a crucial point that we’ve realize at Desteni:
we must work together to change the world; because this world exists as all of us together.
Join us at Desteni and read up on our personal explorations of self-honesty – and investigate the solution of an equal money system, which is aiming to end the deception of and enslavement by money/energy/polarity and all master-slave relations we’ve accepted and allowed , and establish a global co-operation of Earth through human beings as self-willed Equals. It is time we become custodians on Earth and take care of our Home and all our children. It is time we stop our parasitic existence and take self-responsibility.
Get informed, get involved!

Related documentaries:
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures
The Cancer Report (Full version)
Die 5 Biologischen Naturgesetze (english subs)
insightful! thanks