Monday, October 24, 2011

Equal Money for ALL – Won’t most people abuse such system?

In the process of understanding, researching and discussing the current system and what it will take to change it to the benefit of life, we understood one thing: No abuse is ever only towards ‘others’. All abuse always comes back to self, and therefore really our options are the following: 

we either have a lose-lose situation (which is what we currently have in the world despite the notion that ‘winning’ exists; this lose-lose effect basically stems from a win-or-lose power-game we buy-into at this casino we call ‘life’) – 

OR we have an actual win-win situation which is what we are proposing with and as the Equal Money system.

The current system is a system that abuses life. And so in turn, it literally invites abuse, it provokes abuse, it creates abuse.

This is however not a point to be taken as justification for the violence that is seen in the world as reaction to the system. Au contraire, it is to understand how abuse is created and stop it at the core.

An equal money system is in essence a radical change in exactly this point: Stopping abuse in all ways. Without creating further friction, without violence.
When the system is such that instead of abusing life, it supports life – and not only that, but it supports all life equally  the need, necessity and desire to abuse will become extinct.

In the beginning there may still be attempts to abuse, but only because people are so used to abuse in the system, people are used to a system that is abusive in its very nature, people are used to a suck-you-dry system and therefore people exist in fear and act in survival-mode.

Will abuse be possible in a system that is not based on debt and secrecy, a system that is not functioning in interest rates and small print? 
Because there will be transparency in all ways, and predictability in all ways. Money will no longer be something that is able to ‘rise’ or ‘fall’ or lose its ‘value’. The money movement will no longer be something that is dependent on the ‘moods’ of the ‘markets’, the ‘bankers’, the ‘elite’. The money movement will be based on actual and actualized numbers and will follow actual routes of needs/demand, services, time and space.

Within an equal money system each one has the self-directive power to make the best out of one's life, and thus also to determine how to utilize the 'goods' and 'services' that are made available to one/all. Careless handling of the resources and availabilities will have consequences and one will slowly but surely start considering that it is in one's own interest to act in accountability when it comes to one's worldly affairs - in fact, to act in accountability and responsibility in all ways. Because inevitably, how we exist affects our co-existence, and the equal money system is a practicality structure rooted in what's-best-for-all and aimed at eliminating harm and abuse in all its forms.

Here comes-in a further point of support within an equal money system: the simplicity, stability, and transparency of the system will be assisting and supporting human beings to let go of fear and greed, let go of mistrust and mischievousness, to stop existing in survival-mode and start discovering what it means to LIVE. It will assist and support human beings in becoming more practical in their ways and more stable and transparent in their interactions.

Slowly but surely we will be able to let go of the constant comparison and the secret competition we have been existing within, let go of the fear of not having enough, not being enough, not giving enough – and start focusing on what life really is and can be.
We will start looking at and discovering what is possible, instead of focusing on what is not possible like we got used to doing.

Abuse exists as a consequence of the separation we have allowed in our world, within and without; a separation that is evident in our current world-system/money-system as a reflection of ourselves and our relationship with the world. All this will change as we start re-defining the value of life/living, as we start transforming our living-application of that value from polarity/separation towards equality of quality, equality of life, equality of opportunities in life.

Abuse exists as long as fear and mistrust exists. Abuse exists where value is defined within and through inequality, hierarchy, status-differences. This is the fake and false value we have accepted for ourselves and allowed the money-system to be based on - and that has manifested the world-system as we know it.
Within an equal money system we correct that misalignment through re-defining value based on equality: because the value of life is life.

And as we start to eliminate fear within ourselves and our world, as we start trusting ourselves and the world based on equal value, practicality and transparency through and within a system that functions and serves all – we will be transcending the nature of abuse, which in essence has been the accepted ‘human nature’; 
and we will start living a new nature into creation, so that we may manifest a world where the children to come are not only welcome and loved, but also safe and supported, as an actual matter of fact!

The question whether people will abuse an equal money system reveals the hidden fear people tend to have about whether we will have enough people willing to ‘work’ so that we can keep our world/system running in terms of basic infrastructure, services and clockworks.

We have a solution for that as well, a solution we called ‘conscription’ - a ‘service’ period of say four years after school that is to be the only, yes: the ONLY service the world/system will ‘demand’ from each-one. After that, one is free to be free, forevermore, while one has available all the support required to live a dignified life in this world without having to work for the ‘right to life’.

The fact that this is to be seen as ‘service’ doesn’t mean however that this ‘conscription’ period need be a bore or a chore. We are able to schedule a fun program for the youth, combining the whole thing with the possibility to travel for instance, the option to learn, the opportunity to collect ‘points’ that can be recognized by a university, and much more.  

This ‘conscription’ period will be educational in nature, as we will get to know the mechanics of our world and what it means to inhabit earth and manage and maintain the infrastructure of the planet: water, electricity, roads, transportation, digital networks – all that it takes to have a functional, viable system that runs in a way that is best for all, including the planet itself.

Such ‘conscription’ system serves several levels of co-existence simultaneously:

= The youth is educated in practical matters and responsibility.
= Each one gets knowledge and experience within the functional matters of practical reality.
= The youth is given insight into possible future fields of study, work or research.
= Interdisciplinary networks are built and research moves closer to the actuality of reality.
= No one has to spend a lifetime cleaning the streets or collecting garbage, washing dishes or plumbing.
= The collective is cultivated and a sense of home-care is established, as we get to practically see and realize what it takes to be a human being and make life on earth possible, for all.
= We educate ourselves in common sense, as we get to practically realize what it takes to co-exist in a system of actual life-support.
= The system itself – infrastructure, services, communications – is consistently maintained and taken care of in way that it will in turn support the citizens and enable the free movement, participation and education of all citizens equally.

We are able to design a world that functions in a way that it’s FUN to participate in and be part of! 
Abuse will simply stop being an option, because the system will give no reason for abuse to exist.

We are working on getting equal money implemented as global solution by 2020. Equal Money is the future of 'money' - until money no longer exists as such. Through an equal money system we can literally give ourselves as humanity a viable future!  Get informed, get involved!

So we've looked at abuse in the system/abuse in itself, and have seen that one is always self-responsible/creates one’s own consequences, and that people actually have the chance, if they dare take it, to correct themselves. This within the context of discussing abuse, why it exists, how it is created and supported by the system, and why in an equal money system there will be no ‘need’ for people to try and abuse the system as no ‘starting-point’/’cause’ for abuse will exist within/of/as the system.

This obviously raises the question and the necessity to look at how to deal-with abusers and also how to provide support for abusers. It will be quite a 'vast field' to investigate how to practically deal with abusers - not from the perspective not of 'punishment', but that of support. 

This could be looked at within the context of laws/law - however within an equal money system the 'law' will be what's-best-for-all and thus we will not require laws but simply ‘practical regulations’ as basic/common agreements of common sense, from the starting-point of life-support and prevention of harm. 

Psychological and medical help will be vital, as we will literally have to re-educate ourselves and assist the stopping of the fears and paranoia which many people develop 'towards'/'against' the system. 
And this will take some time, because we've got habits to break that have been developed and ingrained through eons of time of a system of abuse. In time and through the practical-application of equality in all aspects of everyday life, people/we will 'learn' to trust ourselves, trust each-other and also trust the system - which will be our structural platform of co-existence, decision-making, life-support, actual evolution as humanity/mankind -, while the transparency, functionality and support of the equality system will slowly but surely show what is possible when equality and oneness of life is the leading principle in all structures of our world.

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