On Polarity – Physical World and Mind –
let's look at the following:
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ART by Matti Freeman |
There is the physical polarity, which is what we see as this world, and there is the mind/mental polarity, which is the ‘values’ we make up/create/follow/accept as a way to not have to face the actuality of reality – the fake ‘values’ we buy/sell/desire while we disregard the value of life.
It is also in the mind that we create desires for a god, a savior, and fears of the devil or evil as such. We give our time and power away to the ‘quest’ for something that will apparently make us ‘more’, make us ‘better’, while we miss the opportunity to do it ourselves. Self-Realization implies it must be self-willed, it must be done by oneself, no other can do it for us.
If we look at the physical, we see the polarity of those that Have and those that Have-Not.
We also see that money has become a resource in itself. There is enough food for everyone, yet not everyone has access to it. Which also goes to show that those able to move money and move goods are not effective enough, are not WILLing enough.
This writing here will have no meaning, no purpose and no impact, unless we – you and me – change ourselves in a way that we empower ourselves to make a difference, to change the systems of the world in a way that is best for all.
Because those that are currently suffering, starving, dying – are not in a position to stand up, not in a position to change their situation or the world as a whole.
It is us, those with internet and some money in the pocket, that have the opportunity to make a difference.
If we study the world systems we can see why nothing has been changing in the world thus far – one of the main reasons is separation. Separation in the world (money-system, political system, hierarchies, corporations) – and separation within ourselves (superiority and/or inferiority concepts through which one abdicate responsibility and miss the opportunity to ‘know thyself’).
What we see in the world is that the system we have created/accepted/allowed and tolerate to run the world, is a system of abuse that is feeding off of life, while a select few exploit the resources that is of earth, here for all.
Yin and yang is also but a concept, because if we look at reality, man and woman are not existing in harmony, the female and male ‘qualities’ exist in separation, and interact based on competition, secrets and manipulation. This does not have to be this way.
Night and day does not fight each-other. The weather though definitely reflects the insanity of human-nature. Who is to say that, should mankind change for real, the weather won’t ‘follow’ and change as well! We don’t know that because we haven’t observed it before.
Which also goes to show that we only know that which has been. However, solution-suggestions based on that has been will not bring-forth any betterment, one can see this in the cycles of history, in this cycles of the world, both internal and external.
Time to Stop the cycles. First within, then without.
Time to open the box, so as to look at what's inside and see it for what it is; so as to be able to see and apply solutions that are not based on the past. Because what the past shows, is the following: Existence is based on separation and consciousness functions through polarity; within this, no equality is possible, neither internally within self, nor externally in the world.
The current money-system reveals how we deceive ourselves through pretending money is something based on ‘scarcity’ while we leave half the world to suffer – instead of giving money the value of life. Money is what we make it – and we have allowed money in this world to become the god that decides who lives and who dies!
The value of life is life, and therefore equality is the way out of this mess, both individually and collectively. Equal money for all will remove much of the survival-fear and will shift the focus on the real value – life itself – and through that assist mankind to transcend ego and self-realize life!
We need to re-evaluate everything we’ve known and how we’ve existed within ourselves and each-other; we need to stop taking things for granted, stand-up and look at the world with fresh eyes willing to see what can be done practically to change the status quo, individually and collectively.
The first step obviously is to stop the mind-control and the fear and make of ourselves effective and stable individuals, able to expose the ‘truth of this world’ and the ‘fake values’ through which the whole world is controlled; to stand-up and stop allowing the exploitation of the real value – life.
‘Absolute truth’ does not exist – The only truth is what is here, we simply need to start seeing things for what they are, ourselves included; we simply need to start calling things by their names and get real.
How can anyone find ‘absolute truth’ – if one does not even know ‘who one is’, how one came to be ‘who one is’ and ‘how one is’, with one’s particular preferences, fears and desires; if one does not even recognize what drives one from within, what keeps one in patterns while history is repeating.
Therefore, time for insight – Man Know Thyself and the rest will follow. We cannot demand change or hope for change, if we do not realize we are part of the problem and therefore we must in fact become the living solution, the living change, in every moment of breath.
This is the way to equality & oneness of/as self – this is the way to life as self-directive principle. This is the way to the future and to actual change.
See the following video for further elaboration on the Interplay between ‘intern’ and ‘extern’; on How ‘who we are’ create the world as we know it and How we can change ourselves:
Beyond Polarity - Self Creation in a Bipolar World
See also my Blog: Of God and Man and Planet Earth: The Image and Likeness of Here in the Process of Humanity
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and Stop All Religions to Live Equal
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