Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Humanity: A Family in Process – A destonian perspective on Equality

World : Family in Process
Destonians the family of Life standing up for Life

Why is each family acting like a mafia clique, existing in secrecy and lies? Because this money-system is based in separation, functions through competition and works within win-lose-parameters only! A bipolar world of hypocrites!

I stand up for Life until All Life is ONE Family, ONE World of Equals!

Desteni is a group of people that stand-up for this cause : LIFE.

What is a 'Destonian' really?
A Destonian recognizes life as the only real value and see how this world is a con for which millions of beings pay with their lives, while a few have it all in a system where money is god.
A Destonian realizes that the world is the image and likeness of man, and that who we are within and how we co-exist in this world without : creates this existence of which we are the building blocks. Inevitably, a Destonian realizes self-responsibility and demands a world-change to have life be the value on which the world is based on in all ways and all systems, to once a for all stop abuse. A Destonian starts with stopping abuse within self.
 A Destonian will judge not, but instead place oneself in the shoes of another and see where and how one can change what one is as oneself.

That youngsters or grown-ups walk away from their family is something we witness frequently in this world. This step of ‘rebellion’, of non-acceptance towards the system, is an understandable step, which however still misses the point: Running away from one’s family, from one’s reality, from one’s world – Running away from responsibility, trapped in judgment, desperation, rage. It is an act of separation, as one separate oneself from that which one does not want to be equal with. And though it may be understandable and a necessary step for some to take, the realization is inevitable that one has also been a part of it all and thus equally responsible, and that if one does no longer accept what one’s reality is equal to, one must bring the points ‘back to self’ as who one really is and support the equalization of reality with/as that which is worthy and equal of life in self-dignity.
Thus, instead of diminishing our world through judgment, abdicating our power to the very judgment and blame we hold towards others/our world, we uplift our world to life as what we are busy realizing ourselves as: equality and oneness, self-honesty, self-dignity, self-power as living beings.

A Destonian works on uplifting others as oneself to the highest standard: and that is Life.
A Destonian does not run away from reality, does not run away from oneself, does not run away from others – yet will make clear statements and if necessary will stop participation with those that are fighting an ego-fight, with those are in it to ‘win’, with those that exclude themselves from a whole that is based on the value of life : equality.

Recognizing Life as the highest value, we see that this is the value that must practically and in fact be attributed to all systems of mankind as starting-point, as directive-principle, if life on earth has any future that can be worth living for/as. We want a world where Life is honoured and practically supported, because we no longer are willing to give permission for or accept  the suffering to exist that is caused by profit, that is caused by inequality, that is caused by ego within a con power-game of a casino-existence that has become a crime against life as such!
We stand for Equal Money for ALL to stop all religion including Money as God that decides who lives and who dies in this world – and we suggest that each man can be godly in this existence, through giving to all what one would like for oneself. 
Yes we will.

Support a CULTURE of Life where ALL LIFE is EQUAL – ONE WORLD Here for All

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