Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Revolution as Resolution to Evolution

If there’s been any Evolution going on, the Human consciousness has clearly missed it.

It is the year 2011. In a world of abundance & technological advancement that could provide for a dignified life for All, a Child dies every 5 seconds from preventable causes. Money has become the god that decides who lives and who dies.
Time to STOP !
Equal Money is the first Revolution that stands for Equality of Life –
The Value of Life is Life – our evolution as humanity has got some catching up to do! Be part of the solution, make a Stand!

Revolution as Resolution to Evolution?

A Revolution cannot be based on ‘hope’ or ‘fear’.
The revolution that is currently taking-place is being determined within the practical reality of each-one in every moment of breath. Because ‘who we are’ creates the world.
To stop history before it stops us, it is necessary to give this revolution a sustainable, valid 'purpose' that support Life – all life equally. That is Common Sense.
For this revolution to be an actual resolution to our evolution, we must find the resolve to stand-up and participate.

Then it can be seen that all are driven by the same fear and the same desires or basic needs – even though the belief-systems and projected desires that are utilized to apparently ‘balance-out’ the fear and distrust that is existent: look different for each individual. On individual level, one can recognize these ‘power-games’ of perceived superiority and inferiority in the patterns of interaction on participate in.
To see the common denominator of all as one as equal within this consciousness unified field: is key to realizing common sense.

It is obvious common sense that the solution for this revolution is to be realized as living-revolution that moves as ‘who we are’ – that moves through self-will and in accountability – in direct participation within the System(s), which is the only way to change the System and bring-forth a resolution that is sound and that will put an end to Starvation, Hierarchy, Profit, Manipulation.

The generations to come from this moment on, will be more and more in a position to live without fear and focus on the real issues humans and humanity is facing – and they will be more and more in a position to effectively ‘correct’ the co-existence patterns on inter-personal and global level.

Obviously the self-honest 'purpose' of Man is to Know Oneself and realize that Man has the ‘ability’ to see and self-realize how creation works, how one has created oneself – one’s life-experience and one’s personality(s) through one’s own accepted and allowed participation in and definition through polarity patterns.

Hence, Man has no choice but to stop victimizing oneself and others and to stop glorifying projected ‘ideals’ of self-deluded grandeur = Stop fear and Stop the desire for ‘power’, the two poles the human psyche is ‘spinning around’ in its endless ‘search’ – and self-realize Here in self-responsibility for ‘who we are’ and how we co-exist.

This is the only way to develop self-trust and live self-honesty – self-honesty and self-trust the ‘ingredients’ required, if Man is ever to establish a world where one can honestly trust each-other, a world of self-willed equals.

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