the equality equation is a mathematical common sense 'approach' aimed to see what there is to see and to calculate what is best for all.
mathematically, the equality equation entails the 'accumulation effect'.
the accumulation effect tells us that 1+1=2 and +1 more is 3 etc.
and that if one put two and two together one can 'see' the outflows of 'what is here'.
therefore, in self-honesty one is always able to 'see' the truth of oneself; one is able to 'see' what one's actions and decisions are accumulating into and therefore 'who' one is becoming;
one is always able to 'know' what is 'best for all' and what not; and what the future holds based on what is being accumulated through the past - the past becoming the present with every moment in time and compounding into the future.
one is always equal to and one with whatever one accept/allow oneself to stand equal to; be it through action or inaction, through words or implication, directly or tacitly: we become what we exist as. therefore to change the future, we must change every now-moment here, as we walk breath by breath.
what is the 'dead end' that humanity's leaders have been 'ignoring': History repeating.
reversing the above example of accumulation, one is also able to see 'how we got here', what points/applications have accumulated to the extent of today's global conditions - and therefore what is it that mankind requires to stop.
yes: we must stop history, before history stops us.
...and yes, one will come-up with rather 'radical' results when one start calculating reality through the equality- equation. but then again, profit-based calculations and half-hearted applications are not bringing any real solutions for mankind and 'human nature' whatsoever... let alone earth and other forms that the human is binding to its egocentric existence...
so -
here, we are standing-up radically, to radically apply the equality-equation as the radical consideration of 'what's best for all' always and in all ways - for a radical change both in the world as a functional system and in 'human nature' as who we are as the building blocks of our world.
equal money is a point to start, if we are to walk the journey of transcending our fate as humanity and creating our desteni as heaven on earth for all.
equal money will equalize all relationships and will support the acceptance of life as equal value - forever changing what we have accepted as 'human nature' and 'the ways of the world'.
it's up to us.
and i'm up to it!