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ART by Ann van den Broeck |
For further context see also:
* Wake Up, You have been Brainwashed!
How have we come to the acceptance and allowance of the system as it exists now?
Due to the human buying into the system of consumerism, the human is 'evolving' as a fabricated identity in self-interest while completely disregarding the interest of life which is the actual interest of each one as life.
As long as we are subject to the system, within or without, any attempts of change are useless; as long as we follow instead of leading ourselves in self-honesty, we remain slaves. How can we lead our world to freedom if we are not free? And how can we be free as long as we are subject to the systematic patterns of the past, the patterns that evidently cause only struggle, conflict, war? How can we be free as long as we exist in fear?
The question here is: What is fear? And why do we exist in fear? How have we, individually and collectively, been dealing with fear throughout the history of mankind?
We have been running away from our own fear, we have been projecting our own fear onto "others" which results in projecting blame and making "others" responsible; we have been trying to suppress and deny our own fear and within this we have per implication accepted our own inferiority, accepted ourselves as powerless. So - isn´t fear then just an excuse?
Because as long as we 'justify' how we exist in defense- and protection-mechanisms against each-other, in fear of each-other, we will claim that fear has a reason and a purpose - and yes indeed: it has the purpose of maintaining the status quo and keeping the human divided while the system prevails.
How does the system educate us? Through fear.
What is love in this world based on? On fear.
What is war in this world based on? On fear.
What is preventing the human from actually evolving and expanding as life? Fear.
What is preventing peace between nations and countries? Fear.
...But really? Or is fear perhaps just an excuse, a ´justification´, to not have to move beyond our own shadow and CHANGE!
Is fear born from self-interest - or is self-interest born from fear? Or are fear and self-interest one and equal as the driving force of the systematic human, the organic robot, the system slave?
This and more we investigate in absolute depth at Desteni - and that is why we propose an equal money system as a first step towards establishing an equal life foundation for ALL life and reforming our existence within and without such that it assist humanity in transcending fear, transcending self-interest, and realizing what it means and what it take to LIVE in the interest of LIFE as who we all really are - no more exploiting, abusing and depleting ourselves and our Earth in the name of profit, no more placing profit before life, no more waging wars in the name of a god, a religion, a belief, no more educating our children in fear and separation.
The key to stopping the matrix that determines our existence within and without is in the realization of collective responsibility - the realization that LIFE is interconnected and interdependent, and that any harm done unto a single part of life, is harm done unto life as a Whole.
We will not change the system by fighting the system - because the system exists through us, as who we are in all our relationships and throughout every moment of our participation in the world. It is useless to fight ourselves, this only indicates ignorance and shows that we see things in separation and are not understanding the interconnectedness of everything in the bigger picture.
It is vital that we educate ourselves into understanding in detail how the accepted system in fact works, because only then can we see cause and effect and acknowledge consequence. The solution is as simplistic as common sense - to get there however will take understanding the core of the system as it exists within and without, so that we can change things by changing our starting-point and our individual participation in our world based on collective responsibility and the self-realization of Life as One, which implies that within that Oneness we are all equals as life.
Now –
if we investigate the nature of the accepted matrix that governs our existence to its core, we will find that this matrix is based on and consists of: relationships of inequality, equations of polarity, hence also a constant friction between concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil’, ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’, ‘master’ and ‘slave’, Haves and Have-Nots.
The operative word here being CONCEPTS –
because if we look at things in common sense, it is easy to see that we are all here on this one earth, we share the same requirements in terms of what a human beings needs to have a dignified life without fear, without struggle, without dependencies; we are all made of flesh and bones, we all breathe the same air, and therefore we are EQUAL as Earthlings, as citizens of the earth, as life. And yet, for some twisted reason we do not see common sense, we ignore the fact that we are here on common ground which would imply that we share a common interest – LIFE –
and yet, we have managed to separate ourselves from life, from each-other, and create fake “values” and “interests” that are constantly in conflict, disregarding the interest of life in the name of self-interest, profit, separation.
We have created mental concepts to differentiate “us” and “them”, as if we were not from the substance, as if we were not all to return to the same source at death. How peculiar, that, even though birth and death is equal for all and even though we have equal needs in order to have a life in dignity in the time between birth and death, we choose to ignore our equality and to define ourselves based on our differences, to such an extent that we’ll go to war in the name of our differences and kill each-other in the name of – what really…
So if we look at what we have done and put it in plain words:
We have disgraced our actual PHYSICAL equality as living beings, and have created MENTAL concepts of inequality to ‘justify’ our self-interest, which is Ego.
We have based our entire existence and the systems we have created to manage our existence on these mental concepts of inequality and have polarized our world in all possible ways, creating nothing but conflict, abuse, deception, as we exploit life in the name of profit, in the name of self-interest, in the name of our ‘OWN’, while we leave 2/3 of the world citizens to suffer under unspeakable conditions, not to mention the earth itself, nature and the animal kingdom.
It’s interesting to note that we have created a complexity out of our existence that is unnecessary, and it only serves those in power, it only serves the System itself, human lives come and go and what prevails throughout our existence – is the System. Which interestingly enough indicates that OUR existence, OUR nature, OUR participation, OUR interactions: create and re-create the system, the world as we know it, and despite all revolution, rebellion, or revolt, nothing ever really changes, history just keeps repeating, and all that’s changing is the faces, the pictures, the names – but in essence, it is the same twisted game, over and over and over again.
The solution to this is simplistic. At the same time however, it is not easy, because it implies understanding the complexity we have created and more importantly: HOW we have created it. It implies understanding the inter-plays, the mechanics, the ‘laws’ of existence as we know it, as that is the only way we can change it. Furthermore it implies that we must investigate how such ‘laws’ exist through OUR permission, OUR acceptance and allowance, OUR participation. Because without the human, the system would not exist.
These and more are the points we investigate at Desteni – whereby we willingly question everything that we have accepted and allowed, and within that investigate cause and effect to understand our existence from the perspective of CONSEQUENCE, and thus to understand how we came to be where we are at today, individually and collectively. In the realization that life is interconnected and interdependent, we can see that all our words, thoughts and deeds have consequences, and every moment of our participation has an impact on existence as a whole. This is in essence how we manifest What is Here as this world, our reality.
Changing the matrix of existence in the interest of life means to place LIFE as the highest value – the actual value that we all share and which makes as Equal as living beings, as citizens of the Earth.
That is why Equal Money is currently the only way to actual change.
Money has become the god of our world, everything of our existence is determined by money. And our concept of money is based on polarity, on separation, on inequality. And this has the consequence we see in our world, where money determines your choices you have and the choices you don’t have, money determines your survival, your life, your death. And interestingly enough, money is what keeps those that COULD do something about it all – that COULD work on solutions to starvation, poverty, war – contained and distracted, busy with their own survival, busy struggling and slaving day in day out just to feed themselves and their families, just to pay the bills and make sure their future is somehow protected, while 2/3 of the world population exist in atrocious conditions, in poverty, famine, war, hunger, starvation.
So – Equal Money will first of all put an end to this ‘survival mode’ that we are all contained within, it will assist and support mankind to transcend survival fear, and will provide everyone with the time and peace required to deal with and sort out what matters: the nature of our existence, individually and collectively.
Equal Money means equal life, equal dignity, equal freedom. It means equal rights, equal access, equal power. It means collective responsibility and thus collective participation. It means the end of hierarchy and thus the end of abuse, the end of exploitation, the end of inequality.
Equal Money will put an end to the deterioration of life that is happening in the name of profit, because in common sense the only valid profit is where LIFE profits, thus where ALL profit equally from any and all policies and systems that we may form to support the equal distribution of goods, resources, and services for ALL life, making sure that no one is left behind, no one is left to struggle or suffer.
See – you do not choose where you are born in this world, you do not choose the conditions into which you come into beingness. That starving child, that dying soldier, that hungry soul – it could have been you. And maybe it will be, in another life.
We do have the power to equalize the living conditions in our world into dignity and freedom for all. So that no matter where you are born, you are certain to have what you need for a dignified life on earth, for your education, development and growth, for your expression and expansion, for you to explore and discover yourself and what it means to LIVE and CREATE.
Equal Money is a model where money is given the value of life; where the systems to be formed around the resource are based on the value of life; where life is acknowledged as the only actual value and thus practically and in fact supported in all possible ways.
At the Equal Money Forum and Wiki we discuss the HOW-TO, and everyone is welcome and explicitly implored to participate, to share input, to work together so that we form the best possible solutions for every single point that pertains to practical living on Earth.
Visit Desteni to educate yourself on this vital point and start realizing our collective responsibility as Earthlings.
Visit the Equal Money Wiki and read up on the solutions we are working out, participate and share your input, so that we can work together and stand together as Life, as One, and once and for all CHANGE our existence in the interest of Life as a Whole!
Visit the Economist Journey to Life and educate yourself in how the accepted system in fact works, in understanding cause and effect, acknowledging consequence, and realizing that the solution is as simplistic as common sense - that to get there however will take understanding the core of the system as it exists within and without, so that we can change things by changing our starting-point and our individual participation in our world based on collective responsibility and the self-realization of Life as One, which implies that within that Oneness we are all equals as life.
Join us in the Journey to Life!
Read up on the MIND and CREATION:
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Visit my Blog sites:
@ eqafe for FREE:
* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation
* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
Check out the Desteni I Process Lite –
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.
Check out the Equal Money System –
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.
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ART by Jessica Arias |