Compassion has been preached and promulgated in this world for eons of time. So how come we are not compassionate enough to stand up and stop accepting and allowing the current status quo to continue exploiting life in the name of profit?!
What is Compassion?
It is not charity, as charity only relieves the conscience of the giver while it offers a band-aid for a wound that take much more to heal.
It is not mercy, as mercy is the taking-away of responsibility and thus the taking-away of power from another and thus it is the declaration of superiority towards a weaker part of existence.
It is not donating, as that again only perpetuates the polarity of ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ in this world, further accepting the polarity we have established as if there were no other way.
It is not feeling sorry for others, as that only states that one is actually fearing to be in their shoes, experiencing what they experience, and thus feeling sorry for others is in essence self-pity as ego.
Compassion has become the feeling of Ego to justify status/position towards those less fortunate and maintains that separation through constructing a 'I am compassionate human being' - but again: does nothing practical to relieve the situation for all, equally as one in this world but only gossip in their friend-circles about their ego's compassion and so generate energy in their illusionary reality [1]
What is real COMPASSION as a living word?
<Kristina> compassion - standing in the shoes of another - daring to create a world where we can all stand is all's shoes
<BernardPoolman> compassion is the active living of a solution as another because due to circumstance they are unable to stand up for themselves
<Esteni> Compassion is the act of sharing and giving of oneself as self is able to see the path of another as self
<BernardPoolman> compassion is the understanding of the suffering of another and to take action to make sure the suffering is removed from the accepted reality and to never give up till it is done
<Garbrielle> compassion is to never give up on self thus never giving up on life best for all until it’s done
<LeonPerry> Compassion can become the action of ways to being about what's best for all as practical application of manifesting physical foundation where all man lives a dignified life of equal satisfaction
<MattiFreeman> compass - to navigate all to a world that is best for all
<BernardPoolman> real compassion is the living self as breath that live the solution within the achievable context as it is created breath by breath -- to try and do more than what can be done, is also illusion, therefore we do what is here as breath and as more do this, the physical living word as compassion will shape the world as one as equals
Why do I say Living Compassion will manifest World Peace?
Because peace in this world has only been the opposite of war. It has only existed as polarity and never as a state of being that is best for all; that is sustainable and viable and undeniable as ‘who we are’.
Peace has only existed in pieces, under circumstances, under conditions – never unconditionally for ALL.
Is peace on Earth at all possible?
This is a question that must begin within each one, because it is all of us together that determine the living-conditions of the whole – this world, planet earth as our existence.
Peace has become an idea of self-interest, where people talk about "inner peace" or "peace of mind" and spend hours meditating trying to ‘achieve’ peace... But how can that peace be real when the moment one open one’s eyes one is again faced with the actuality of this world.
Peace of mind in this world is like an alternate reality as ‘comfort zone’ where one is trying to be ‘more’ that what is here as the actuality of reality. Does that ‘inner peace’ create a person in a way that would bring forth peace for all? No, otherwise this world would already be a different place!
Inner Peace when the system that manages Life on Earth cause suffering only proves the ability of the Master of Peace to deny reality effectively. The Buddha found a way to deny reality through inner peace and so end individual suffering. This self-interest has misguided many over the ages and caused those with the ability to create a world that is best for all to be lost in a state of blissful ignorance. [2]
So what would be living PEACE as a living word?
Would living peace be the peacemaker that make sure a way of life is implemented that would ensure peace for all where the new system is so peace-producing that no one wants to disturb the peace because they enjoy it so much? [3]
Peace - breathing, living breath in the physical as stability so that there is always equilibrium and assisting/supporting others to walk the same - in conflict/friction, walk the point into/as stability as practical solution as breath and be a living example [4]
Dare investigate ANOTHER WAY of Life for Life on Earth – Dare Live real compassion to manifest PEACE within one’s world and the world as a whole – for LIFE, for all of us!
[2] [3] Bernard Poolman
[1] [4] Sunette Spies
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