E = mc2
An interesting approach within looking at the definition of Energy – is the point of ‘no loss’, the postulate that nothing ever gets lost because energy is not destroyable but rather only simply changes form.
I have looked at this particular point from the perspective that we cannot escape the consequences of who we are and what we have become.
Now if we look at the interpretation of the concept of ‘energy’ according to human consciousness and how it is ‘experienced’ by the human individual mind-perception, it seems to rather be something that deflates or compounds, something that one can have ‘more’ or ‘less’ of, even something that can be ‘attacked’ or ‘depleted’ if we were to follow the new-age/spiritual approach to energy.
Clearly, Einstein had something different in mind.
Was Einstein perhaps referring to physical energy? Energy of/as matter?
What I find interesting is that if we look at matter, which is this world and the condition of the world as we’ve created, accepted and allowed it to exist, we can see: our actions and how we co-exist Here in Matter have consequences.
These consequences cannot be hidden, denied or swept under the carpet because sooner or later they come back to haunt us. This is what I see as the manifestation of the postulate that energy cannot be ‘lost’.
Even if humanity self-destructs, the whole-cycle will simply start again as it did before, and here we will be after billions of years, remembering nothing, yet facing the exact same points as we are now, confronted again with taking responsibility for ‘Who we are’ and What we’ve created: our Here, the Matter of fact.
Within Einstein’s equation we can look at (E) ‘Energy’ being the effect, the total-quality, the result of the ‘mass’ (m) that is here (=each and every single being, each and every single particle that is here) in the context of ‘space-time’ (c²), whether that space-time is referred to as the speed of light or the speed of consciousness is irrelevant at this point.
What is further irrelevant is a ‘creator’ – because what do we know? We know that we are here and that we are creating our reality. This is the only ‘given’ we can be certain of, the only ‘creation’ we are witnessing and also the one we are able to take responsibility for.
So, ‘Energy’ in the physical, mathematical sense would be the ‘expression’, the ‘quality’ of the physical creation. ‘Energy’ in this existence is also that which determines the quality of living, because if we, all that is here (m), exist within this space-time (c²)* in relationships of war, conflict, mistrust, exploitation, fear = then the effect of our cause (E), the outflow we are creating:
is a ‘quality’ of discomfort, a bipolar condition brilliantly called the ‘human race’:
where everyone is constantly and continuously racing against each-other, against oneself, against time, against what is here, against the actuality of reality from which one is rather trying to hide, to not have to see what is really going on, to not have to hear, to not have to take responsibility for the context we find ourselves in, the context we’ve been accepting and allowing and giving permission for to continue as if there were no other way, all the while half the world is suffering.
*(is maybe the 2 in c² a symbol for the current polarity-system then, the bipolar trap we are in?!)
This fact – half the world suffering in starvation, famine, poverty, war – is also an energy crisis.
Every crisis we are facing on this Planet is an energy crisis: the current money-system, the religions and belief-systems of humanity, the pollution, the violence, the terror, the personal dramas.
And it all comes down to mankind realizing responsibility as creator of what is here – in the small and the big, in good times and in bad. What is here – whether it was created through direction and self-will, or through allowance and acceptance, ignorance, fear and denial; the matter of fact remains the same.
It all comes down to realizing our oneness and equality as Beings Here, as inhabitants of this Earth, of this One Planet.
When there is only One Race – Earthlings – Do we need to keep racing?
Ultimately E may also stand for Earth –
the point we all come together as One to face ourselves, to face each-other, to face creation and what has been allowed through eons of time.
Earth –
a window of opportunity, the eye of the needle, a possibility to move ourselves through the manifested consequence that is in the Image and Likeness of ourselves, our planet Earth and the world condition reflecting who and what we have become.
Stopping the ‘human race’ is the only way to be here without fear - free.
Stopping the lie of ‘scarcity’ is the only way to have abundance and see eye to eye.
Giving everything to everyone, in equal value as life, is possible.
Equality is the way of out the crisis; the way out of ill-usion into a self-willed reality.
There is no Plan B.
There is only this One Planet.
But we have created a planET wherein we have become the extra-terrestrial parasites; no longer Earthlings, no longer one with and equal to Earth and Nature, but rather ‘inferior’, separated, to such a degree that the only way we've come up with to try and make things ‘look better’ to the Eye of the Mind was to pretend we are ‘superior’.
This is being done through CONsciousness in form of belief-systems, religions, ‘ascension’ paths and projections of ‘enlightenment’, through the race for advancement and the contest for the profits technology brings.
However the profits are always only for the pro-fit, only for those who were born into status (quo) families of money and power; and all the while we let half the world struggle with less than the bare minimum required to exist on Earth.
Honestly, other than the technological advancement, humanity has made no progress as man-kind.
And see – even that ‘advancement’ is worth zero when suddenly an earthquake or a tsunami rise to express that the Earth’s tolerance is no more. Earth and the manifested consequence of what is here clearly demonstrate that this can go no further; How much worse can it get?!
More and more beings realize that either man will stand up for LIFE as LIFE – or go under.
There is no ‘saviour’ to come and save us.
There are no aliens to come and ‘energize’ the ‘enlightened’ ones.
There is no fixing of the current ‘energy crises’ through the current money-system.
We have to take another way – We have to make a new agreement – We have to consider the Whole that is Here and take responsibility.
It is possible to stop our enlightened self-interest and see Common Sense.
It is possible to utilize the Earth’s resources for All, in a way that is Best for All.
Yes the possibility is here to transform our existence into an eternity of trust, comfort and abundance for ALL.
Then the cycles of history may be such of real evolution, of actual progress, of a true flourishing of humanity and all living beings – an actual process of self-realization, self-actualization, as we lead ourselves into an existence of dignity and mutual respect, as we birth ourselves from the physical as life eternal, as the physical Here, the Matter of fact.
"The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evil. Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of the smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organised political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights. This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by a educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilised in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society".~ Albert Einstein (1949)
"The only soul of value is the soul/sole of your feet that take you breath by breath to walk in the shoes of each-other and take care of each-other as if it is yourself; then the sole/soul is nurtured and valuable and supported and supportive."
"Ego is the acceptance of self as ‘superior’ to others in truth, and thus the allowance of chaos to find an angle with which to screw all competition ‘till only the ego version of truth remains. Then the ego was right and for this, the ego will destroy the planet."
"If we are all one and equal in a society where everything is what’s best for all, our excellence will become something we cannot even conceive at the moment – because we are not consuming it at the moment, we are not creating it, we don’t understand it yet, but it is creatable."~ Bernard Poolman (2011)