Sunday, August 14, 2011

“Anonymous” Big Brother Elite ‘armed’, threatening to ‘kill facebook’

An “Anonymous” group can be anything – heck, it can even be top elite agents dressed in hoods, following the same principle and not unlike the stuff that was going on at the peaceful protests in Athens’ constitution square or elsewhere in the world where violence during protests was sparked off, provoked or forced upon. London even shows that violence can arise real sudden, like a cup suddenly overflowing.
We are talking here about a league of attempted control and censorship. The question is:

WHO or WHAT is actually, really being ‘served’?
WHO or WHAT is actually being ‘protected’?

see RT: Anonymous to destroy Facebook - for privacy's sake

Supposedly ‘for the sake of privacy’, the ‘group’ “Anonymous” threaten to “kill facebook” because ‘they’ “know more about you than your family”.

I am certain anyone who’s got something to hide A) does not go about sharing it on the internet, and B) if that alleged information was really worth something one would nowadays probably try and sell it oneself…

The problem is that nobody ASKED “Anonymous” to ‘protect’ them or to ‘protect’ their information from being seen by ‘the government’.
The other problem is that facebook is one of the social media platforms where public opinion is formed, more often than not in critical tones.
It’s not only that protest or public opinion is cultivated on platforms like facebook. Facebook’s value is rather seen in the ways it offers for anyone to expose and share the news that somehow do not reach everyone, thus raising awareness for what is really going on and discussing solutions or, at least, discussing what is acceptable and what not because clearly – we seem to have lost the feel for that as humanity.
Now – really: WHO or WHAT would be best served if social platforms such as facebook did not exist?!

The effect “Anonymous” is actually having is to polarize the masses even more, cultivate hate and sentiments of vengeance, and encourage the belief that one only has one choice: one is either on the side of the system or one joins the ‘legions of anonymous’. 

Imagine this: when the money-system has collapsed and most are left with nothing, the government starts recruiting soldiers providing salary, shelter and food. The angry crowds join the ‘legions’ of “Anonymous”; and there is WAR. The result is population control. WHO or WHAT does this really serve?!

Hate and vengeance is born out of fear.

The desire for power and superiority is born out fear.

Fear and a feeling of 'no way out' is what the masses can be best manipulated by. And people have lost faith in themselves and each-other as mankind to such an extent that they will gladly and blindly follow anything promising to PROTECT their so-called privacy, PROTECT them from each-other, PROTECT them from the bad bad politicians they, the people, have elected.

Does it not occur to anyone that without the realization of SELF-responsibility and a re-education into accountable-living relationships/societies : the masses will only swop masters and remain slaves?

The Desteni group has been applying and suggesting a way that seems to threaten the system, or else Youtube/Google (Big Brother?) would not not go about and close down Desteni channels without a reason, heck without even a warning!
READ Darryl W. Thomas Blog on this

The Desteni group has been applying and suggesting a way that seems to threaten the system, or else Youtube/Google (Big Brother?) would not not go about and close down Desteni channels without a reason, heck without even a warning!

This 'way' is Forgiveness: SELF-Forgiveness as a tool for self-purification, self-determination, self-responsibility, self-will, self-direction, self-honesty; 
and an EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM for the forgiveness of all Debt and all Blame, the forgiveness of all Polarity and Separation; to provide the world and ourselves with a 'clean slate' on Earth and create a system that actually supports Life, ALL LIFE EQUALLY. A dignified life in abundance is possible for ALL.

A world of self-willed and self-empowered Equals of Life seems to be not what the Elite want. Desteni seems to pose a 'threat' for the System; heck, it even poses a 'threat' to the average human being that is programmed to think and believe that "for me to have" others must "not have" and that there is no other way.

We at Desteni expose such beliefs, we expose the accepted mind-control and we say there IS another way! And yet, fascinatingly enough we do not hate, we do not call for vengeance, we do not want revenge because we realize: everyone and everything will face the consequences of itself - based on the principle of equality & oneness. We cannot escape ourselves, we cannot escape what we have created, accepted, allowed. The manifested consequences of 'who we are' are HERE, for all to see, for all to face.

Ask yourself, what does it imply to “not forgive” and “not forget”? 

It sure sounds like bitterness and vengeance. It sure sounds like endless wars with pointing fingers in blame, with winners and losers and the end of many (more often than not innocent) lives.  It sure sounds like making belief some are responsible while others aren't, for what is here today. Granted, the bigger the 'power' the bigger the responsibility one carries for what is here today - yet to look for the ones to shift responsibility to in this fuckin' mess of a world...: can there ever really be justice through a polarity system like the world system as we know it?!

Using the masked ‘V’ as an Avatar, “Anonymous” attempt to come off as a group that will stand by your side against state oppression and that will ‘protect’ your rights from being exploited by ‘the government’. Really?

People are quick to believe what they’d love to believe.
These conspiracy stories have been written already; the whole story is all already imprinted onto the collective unconscious, it has infiltrated the unified consciousness field through movies and video games, which tend to – if one lacks the self-honesty and the common sense to see through the mind-control – only too easily penetrate the meme-brains of the human robot and literally ‘wash’ it with the brand new program that is to be followed.


Mind-control is designed to work from the inside out: in the end people even believe they are following their ‘own choice’, something that ‘makes sense’ because the math of the ‘logic’ had already been served to them on a platter through media, Hollywood and trends.

It is obvious that a re-education of the human-robot must take place if anything of real intelligence and common sense is to come out of this all and be worthy of life. And this re-education must take place through a self-directive/self-willed process, otherwise the human remains inferior and the history of mankind which is a history of enslavement keeps repeating.

Humanity is programmed to self-destruct, trapped in an endless, fabricated bipolar war that divides it against itself; and it will self-destruct – unless we STOP.

It is the same point each one individually is facing: the choice between life or self-defeat. 
Each one is faced with this point of giving-in to the inner conflicts and self-delusion of the mind OR Stopping and standing-up for life as who one really is – to direct oneself in actuality beyond all conditioned patterns, ideas and projections of oneself.

Now – it is to stand-up not only individually, but also and at the same time: together as humanity, as mankind.

Why do we accept a world, a system where we have to be PROTECTED from the very structures and systems we have put in place?
Could it be that we have been tricked into agreeing about the functionality of this reality: the money-system, the education-system, the political-system?
Could it be that a whole new and totally reformed system where ALL LIFE is EQUALLY valued and provided for is possible?
Could it be that we are able to once and for all STOP FEAR and STOP MIND-CONTROL?

How about a world where we need not keep SECRETS?
How about a world, an existence where we’ve got NOTHING TO HIDE?
How about a world of TRANSPARENCY?
How about a world where PRIVACY does not mean fear, hiding, deception, abuse?

YES – well, oh wait – there’s the human being: the human being must re-form itself, must re-in-form its reality, must stop the back-chat and finger-pointing, stop the power-games and the blame and start taking responsibility for what is here as ourselves AND as this world. Because it is about ‘who we are’ inside and how we co-exist in all the relationships we form in our world – these are the building blocks of this world. This is where change beings. 
This is where reformation begins: at the core of things.

BIG BROTHER is Anonymous

Is the group “Anonymous” perhaps protecting the system and the global status quo – the NEW WORLD ORDER that is in fact the old world order stemming from the bloodlines of some super-power top-elitists?
Big Brother’s arms and legs often do not even know what’s going on in the head (quarters), to such an extent is this ‘existence’ based in fear, secrecy and manipulation – an endless quest for power and dominion that can only be achieved by eliminating the enemy. That the enemy is actually the ‘inner-me’ – no one notice?

This world is divided at all levels to ‘friends’ and ‘enemies’ and we like to believe ‘the government’ is our enemy’ when in fact ‘governments’ and ‘presidents’ are equally puppets of the elite that control the money and control the resources.

North-South, East-West, Left-Right : Polarization at its ‘best’ everywhere one look on the globe, with fatal consequences for all ‘sides’. So who or what is served through all these power games? Big Brother only: the elite that divide and conquer.
Why do we not SEE that that is the problem?
We are victims to the accepted ‘economy’: ECO-NO-ME = not something anyone would really wanna call Home (ecos: Greek for Home).
Why do we not de-side to be ONE World on this ONE Earth!

Big Brother’s arms and legs have been growing ‘bigger’ in terms of ways to ‘get to you’; today Big Brother is even able to CLONE itself ANONYMOUSLY!

Fascinating however that even such extreme and horrific ‘scenarios’ are actually pushing towards the realization of the only actual solution for the world, that is if we are to stop the course of self-destruction we as humanity find ourselves on – the only actual solution to this bipolar trap of existence:
transparency and equality in all ways, that is the only way to exist without the ‘need’ for ‘protection’, without the ‘need’ for WAR; 
in a world that we truly may call Home, a world where we are all equals as brothers and sisters, as children of this Earth, as Life.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Equal Money is NOT Communism | Equality explained

no gods, no masters, no slaves

Even though some ‘good’ may have been achieved at times within communism or within socialism, the starting-point of both these mechanisms – communism and socialism – has been the System itself; and all such systems are aimed at controlling the money-flow through a polarization of Haves and Have-Nots. 
Communism was still bound to the limitation and control of a World-System that is based in fear and survival. The system of communism, too, was placed and applied to serve a country, a nation, a race – but never Life itself and all people equally.

ART by Matti Freeman

Equality is the realization that Life is the value – as life-essence in all things, as the substance of all things. 
Equality implies that the value of life IS life – and therefore all life should be treated equally.
Equality further implies that a system, any system, must serve life.

What we have today is unacceptable – what we have today is a condition where life serves the system, and money determines who lives & who dies in this world. This cannot continue.
How can we allow this?!

Let’s have a closer look at our Equality as beings on Earth:
Our Equality on this planet is given by the fact that each one of us is subject to and product of: the circumstances of the living-conditions we are born into. Rich or Poor, life-supportive or life-abusive – the structural reality that one is born-into determines a life; and a human-life on earth is formed and determined during the first 7 years of a being’s life.
Our Equality is further given by the Sun we share and the Air we breathe. Water has become an issue in itself and one of the biggest problems we’re facing today. These Earth things know no borders, however hard mankind has tried to divide and conquer and rule ‘over’ things. Man has attempted to become stronger than nature, somehow ‘more than’ life. 

This already shows that the principle of Life as the principle of Equality has gone ‘missing’ or was missing from the start during Man’s evolution as a mind consciousness system machine. We have become Minds in separation. Life is now walking a process of Actualization – will we accomplish real Oneness? And how can Oneness be, without equality?

So – Equality is not an ‘idea’ or an ‘ideal’ – yet it will remain just that and will, just like ‘human rights’ today, remain un-lived and un-realized if we don’t Live it into Creation; It will remain the unfulfilled Ideal of Mankind, if we don’t stand-up to actually, factually ‘honor’ that which matters, honor ourselves as Life through Living ourselves as Life, as equality, into actual manifestation, into Beingness, into Existence.
An ideal World would be one where each Being is able to live and express their full potential without fear of survival, without fear of each-other.

We have reached an ‘age’ as humanity where this is possible. The technology that is available today can be used to assist and support the process of distribution and equalization of resources. It is possible right here right now.

And because it is possible, we couldn’t live with ourselves if we didn’t stand-up and do whatever it takes to make it happen – for all as one as equal – for All to have a Dignified Life Here, in this One Reality we share.

ART by Tim Jones

Our equality as human beings on earth is a given from the perspective that we are all subject to the circumstances we are born into, requiring the same physical support to survive in this world. We breathe the same air and return to the same dust; we share the same basic needs that determine our life or death on this earth. 
The sun shines on all equally.
The systems we've created however do not serve everyone equally.
And all systems boil down to the money-system - money, the god of this world, the god that decides who lives and who dies.
The values we’ve created in this world are based in make-belief. Money is a make-belief value that exists through agreement/acceptance.

Communism was not different.
It was a system based in a hierarchy with the state as god - having an army of brave new slaves serving a giant, an idea, a projection, a dogma - quite a sentimental one too. in communism you had 'friends' and 'enemies', just like in capitalism.
In equality you see no 'friends' or 'enemies'. from the perspective of equality one either support life or abuse and harm and deceive life.

In communism there was no trust, and self-trust was not supported or developed.
One would learn to trust the party, the system, the state. there existed betrayal, just like in capitalism.
In equality there exists only self-betrayal – betrayal of life.
It is not about trusting ‘others’, it is not about trusting Desteni – it is about learning to trust ourselves and learning to exist in a way that we may trust each-other.
And while it is not about the individual – yet it is the individual, you and me and the relationships we build that make up this world; and the value we carry as ‘who we are’ gives this world its value, equal and one. 

Currently the value of ourselves as this world is equal to separation, exploitation, deception, abuse.
it is an atrocious existence based on insanity – something we call ‘human nature’ and accept as a ‘given’.
This is pathetic.
It is time to stop our fake values – time to throw away our false gods in the name of which we fight and kill.
The value of life is life. LIFE is the highest value and it is LIFE that should be honoured as ‘god’, as common good, as that which we all share, instead of focusing on our differences of Mind.

We gotta put aside our beliefs and ideas about ‘power’ and ‘value’, we gotta stop our fear, and realize that any system that's been used in the history of mankind, man has created. 
We are the building-blocks of this world.
Equality begins within self and how we live every moment.

At Desteni we stand-up to say out loud that we can no-longer accept or allow or tolerate a system that feeds off of life and allows starvation while there is enough food for all and while we have the technology to distribute resources equally.

An equal money system will not be hierarchy, will not be ‘god’. Rather, it will be a system through which we can apply and ensure our agreement as humanity that Life is the highest value; a system through which we can ensure the quality of equality for ALL; a system through which finally Man can be Kind.
The logistics is easy. It is the ill will of man that must change. And it must change through self-will, otherwise we are still slaves. 
The simple application of One man One vote will bring equal money to the forefront, as the current economies and deadly/debtly promises collapse, and the majority that is the suffering people of the world will see the necessity for a new system of actual life-support for ALL.

no gods, no masters, no slaves – 
that is the equal money system; that is the desteni of mankind, if man is to be/become kind, if man is to ‘save’ itself on this Planet. 
There is no Plan B.
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