It’s Raining Murder, Why don’t the USA Stop it?
Follow the Money down the Rabbit Hole...
World Policy is World Police, yet the ‘big guys’ do nothing but turn neighbors against each-other – Divide & Conquer instead of uniting as brothers.
Shi’it or Sunn’it – what’s the point of ‘it’, and what’s the difference when it comes to life and death?
When death equals debt and debt equals money – Do the math and think in polarity terms like 'supremacy' and ‘population reduction’.
As long as a select few care only for the perseverance of their select cults, the world will suffer.
When ‘mine’ is ‘money’, ‘man-I’ turns bLIEnd.
The select are the elected – But are they selected? Why is not each and every single citizen of planet earth in a position to determine their own future, their choices in life and those to whom one give custody of their children as teachers, guides and helpers?!
Conflicting interests create conflict. It is in the cruel ‘interest’ of the big players that ethnic groups are divided and keep blaming each-other, thirsty for power and revenge while history is repeating.
How come everybody as life do not have common interest? Common ground? Common sense?
"Long story short, the reason why violence and murder is allowed is because the stability of the world's economic systems functions within depending on certain strategic relationships / alliances being in place between countries, relationships which fulfil certain need and desires for military or other industrial advantage. With larger countries of power such as the United States, these relationships form a vast global network as in a root system, which the country depends on to maintain its power and advantage over other countries, giving it greater influence and choice as to global decisions and issues, enabling it to control wealth and resources. But again, this control of wealth and resources is dependent on specific relationships with other countries being in place, as in the case of the US and Bahrain." (Matti Freeman)
Only a complete NEW SYSTEM will change the status quo, because the status quo is ‘who we are’ – how we exist and participate in this world is keeping ‘it’ alive. Thus, with a new system we must consider what must change in our co-existence and how.
Investigate the Equal Money system – it is a system that will bring All as One here as Equals. No more ‘divide & conquer’, no more interest conflict, no more blood for money, no more vampirism at the cost of life.
Equal Money is a system to be based in the value of life and thus give to all equally. Equal Money is a system to live transparency, accountability, and actual choices in life – for All.
Investigate: http://EqualMoney.org and http://desteni.co.za
! Read more equality Blogs on the situation in middle east, north Africa and the world – search the web for eg. desteni + Bahrain or desteni + Greece bailout
Some input: